ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Friction and Wear Properties of Cast-iron Material with Bionic Non-smooth Surface under Normal Temperature

  • 摘要: 模仿动物体表形态,在试样表面通过激光雕刻出有规则分布的凹坑以及条纹等非光滑单元体,研究了具有非光滑表面材料的摩擦磨损性能.结果表明:非光滑表面材料的耐磨性较光滑表面提高1倍以上,摩擦系数提高66%以上;当非光滑表面的单元体硬度越高、直径越大和间距越小时,其耐磨性能越好,摩擦系数越大.这是由于激光加工的单元体相当于在母体上增加了许多强化质点,比母体具有较高的硬度和致密性,能够提高抗磨性,增加表面粗糙度,所以其耐磨性提高,摩擦系数增大.


    Abstract: This work investigates friction and wear properties of non-smooth surface material, on which many concaves and striae called non-smooth units distributed regularly. These units are designed by imitating the body surface morphology of some biology and manufactured by laser. Result shows that wear resistance of cast-iron material with bionic non-smooth surface was increased more than one times compared to material with smooth surface, and friction coefficient was increased by 66% or more. Furthermore, wear resistance and friction coefficient of material have a close relationship with hardness, size of unit and space between units. Improvement of friction and wear performance was attributed to the fact that there are numerous strengthened local areas produced on the bionic non-smooth surface and it enhanced the rough surface and withstood the wear.


