ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



A Study on the Extreme Pressure and Antiwear Behaviour of Some Bisphenyl Ether Derivatives Containing Different Substituents in Their Molecular Structures

  • 摘要: 本文利用MQ-12型四球试验机和SRV磨损试验机对某些含不同取代基的二苯醚型化合物的极压抗磨性能进行了试验研究。结果表明,取代基的种类、数目和位置对二苯醚型化合物的极压抗磨性能都有重要的影响,2-硝基4-三氟甲基2′,4′-二氯代二苯醚有比较好的四球磨损性能,而3-三氟甲基4′-硝基二苯醚有良好的SRV极压性能,硫代磷酰胺基取代的二苯醚具有很好的极压和抗磨作用。作者指出,将含S、P、O、N不同元素的基团适当组合在同一添加剂分子中,能够控制添加剂分子与金属表面的化学反应,不使任何一个键过于活泼,因而能够抑制极压添加剂的腐蚀作用。


    Abstract: The extreme pressure (EP) and antiwear (AW) properties of some bisphenyl ether derivatives containing different substituents in the ring were investigated using a four ball machine and a SRV tester. The wide difference has been observed in these compounds. It was found that the EP and AW properties of bisphenyl ether derivatives are dependent on the nature, position and number of the substituents in the rings. 2-Nitro4-trifluoromethyl 2', 4'-dichlorobisphenyl ether is appreciably more effective in reducing wear than its analogues in four ball wear test. 3-Trifluoromethyl 4'-nitrophenyl ether is highly effective in anti-scuffing in SRV load carrying test. The results also shown that the thionophosphoramidation makes phenyl ether have both excellent anti-wear effectiveness and anti-scuffing effectiveness being superior to other bisphenyl ether derivatives. Multiple functional groups, such as S,P.O and N containing groups, in a single additive molecule could increase the chance of the molecular interaction with the surface without making any bound too active. Therefore, the corrosive wear of EP additive could be controlled if the different function groups are well matched and balanced. Additional work will be necessary to provide further insight into the mechanisms of the matching effect of functional groups before it can be used as a theoretical guide for the development of new multifunctional additives.


