ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Electroless Ni-P Alloy Coating on Phenolic Plastic Substrate

  • 摘要: 用化学镀方法在酚醛塑料基底上沉积了Ni-P合金镀层,采用X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜、能谱分析等方法研究了反应温度(80~95 ℃)对Ni-P合金镀层的相组成和显微结构的影响,采用激光弯曲法和显微硬度仪测试镀层内应力和显微硬度,采用M-2000摩擦磨损仪测试Ni-P合金镀层的摩擦磨损性能,并分析了磨损机理.研究结果表明:随着反应温度升高,Ni-P合金镀层中磷含量降低,镀层由非晶→非晶+纳米晶→纳米晶转变,晶粒长大,镀层表面粗糙度和硬度增大,镀层内部应力由压应力转变为拉应力,并且拉应力逐渐增大.在酚醛塑料基体上的化学镀Ni-P合金镀层能明显地提高其耐磨性.镀层的耐磨性与其硬度不是完全的正相关,耐磨性不仅与硬度有关还与内部应力、显微结构等因素有关,反应温度为92 ℃的Ni-P合金镀层耐磨性最高.Ni-P合金镀层的磨损机制主要发生了轻微黏着磨损→严重黏着磨损→脆性脱落的转变.


    Abstract: Electroless Ni-P alloy coatings are deposited on phenolic plastic substrates. The effects of reaction temperature (80~95 ℃) on the surface morphology, the microstructure and the composition of Ni-P alloy coating are studied by using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy, while their internal stress and the hardness are measured using laser bending and microindentation. Under dry condition the tribological property of Ni-P coating is investigated on a M-2000 block-on-ring wear tester, and the wear mechanism is analyzed. The results show that increasing reaction temperature decreases phosphorus content of Ni-P coating and prompts the transformation from amorphous to nanocrystalline. Additionally, the grain grows, the roughness and hardness increase with increasing temperature. The internal stress changes from compressive stress to tensile stress, and gradually increases. The wear resistance of phenolic plastic is obviously enhanced by Ni-P alloy coating. The hardness and many other factors, e.g. internal stress and microstructure, determine the wear resistance of Ni-P alloy coating. Ni-P alloy coating prepared at 92 ℃ show the highest wear resistance. The wear mechanism changes gradually from mild adhesive wear to severe adhesive wear and then to brittle pullout.


