ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Research on Wear Characteristics of Rubber O-Rings Roller Chains for Motor Cycle

  • 摘要: 对 O形橡胶密封圈摩托车滚子链和普通滚子链进行了 6 0 0 0 km道路和 30 0 h台架磨损对比试验 ,分析了磨损表面形貌 .结果表明 :O形圈滚子链比普通滚子链的耐磨性能高 ,寿命长 ;O形圈链条中销轴和套筒的磨损主要以疲劳磨损为主 ,并伴随着粘着磨损 ;链板和 O形圈的磨损为疲劳磨损 ;而普通链条销轴和套筒的主要磨损形式是磨粒磨损 ,并伴随着疲劳磨损 .链条中铰链摩擦副 (销轴和套筒 )的磨损表面产生的循环硬化有利于提高耐磨性 .


    Abstract: The wear resistance of rubber O ring roller chains and ordinary roller chains for motor cycle was comparatively investigated by road test and simulated bench test. The worn surfaces of the chains were observed as well. It was found that the rubber O ring roller chains showed better wear resistance and longer antiwear life than the ordinary roller chains. The bushes and bearing pins of the rubber O ring roller chains were characterized by stress fatigue wear and adhesion wear; while the chain plate and rubber O rings by stress fatigue wear. The bushes and bearing pins of the ordinary roller chains were characterized by abrasive wear, together with stress fatigue wear. A cyclic surface hardening occurred for the bushes/bearing pair and chain plate/rubber O ring pair in the road test and bench test, which contributed to improve the wear resistance of the pairs.


