Effect of Alloy Content on Rolling Contact Wear of High-Speed Wheel Material
摘要: 将2种含碳量相同合金含量不同的高速车轮材料分别与钢轨材料匹配,利用滚动接触摩擦磨损试验机测试了各摩擦副的摩擦系数和磨损率,比较研究了组织、硬度和加工硬化等因素对车轮材料滚动接触磨损性能的影响.结果表明:在传统的高速车轮材料中适当地增加Si、Mn的含量,降低Cr的含量可以提高车轮材料的抗磨损性能;硬度高的车轮材料未必耐磨,组织差异对车轮材料的抗磨损性能影响显著;表面裂纹易萌生于高度变形的先共析铁素体组织;加工硬化引起的硬度增加对材料的抗磨损性能影响不大.Abstract: Two high-speed wheel steels with the same carbon content and different alloy contents were matched with rail steels and the friction coefficient and wear rate of these frictional pairs were measured on a Rolling Sliding wear test machine. The effects of microstructures, hardness and strain hardening on the rolling contact wear of wheel steels were investigated. The results show that the wear resistance of conventional high-speed wheel steel was improved by increasing silicon and manganese content and decreasing chromium content to some extent. The wheel steel with higher hardness may not necessarily possess the better wear resistance, while the wear resistance of wheel steel was affected by microstructures significantly. The surface crack initiation primarily occurred along highly strained pro-eutectoid ferrite. The effect of the hardness increasing induced by strain hardening on the wear of wheel steel was not distinct.
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