ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Analysis on the Load Carrying Mechanism of Two Types of Thermal Wedges in Parallel Gap

  • 摘要: 本文研究了在4类表面温度边界条件下的热密度楔和热黏度楔对承载能力的影响,指出平行间隙内的油膜也具有承载能力,并与传统的几何楔进行了比较,分析了热密度楔和热黏度楔的关系及其重要性。除了用传统的表面温度差原理来解释平行间隙的承载机理外,还通过数值分析提出了1种补充理论,指出即使2个平行表面之间没有温度差但因油膜内部温度分布不均匀油膜也会产生承载力。


    Abstract: Thermal wedges include thermal density wedge and thermal viscosity wedge. The influence of thermal wedge on the load-carrying capacity was investigated in this paper under four classes of surface boundary conditions, i.e., 1) the moving surface is with constant temperature while the stationary surface is adiabatic; 2) the moving surface is adiabatic while the stationary surface is with constant temperature; 3) both surfaces are adiabatic; and 4) both surfaces are with constant temperature. It was pointed out that, comparing with the oil film in a traditional geometry wedge, the oil film in a parallel gap also possesses considerable load-carrying capacity due to the action of thermal wedge. The relationship between the thermal density and viscosity wedges was analyzed and the relative importance of each wedge was studied. The load-carrying mechanism of parallel gaps was explained not only with the traditional principle based on the temperature difference between solid surfaces, but also with a complemetary idea obtained through numerical analysis that the load-carrying capacity can be produced by an uneven distribution of the film temperature even though there is no temperature difference between the surfaces.


