ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effects of Gender and Anatomical Regions on the Friction Properties of Human Skin

  • 摘要: 为了研究性别和解剖部位对人体皮肤的摩擦特性的影响,采用1种便携式皮肤摩擦测试仪测量了6个不同解剖部位的皮肤摩擦系数。结果表明:前额、前臂伸侧、前臂屈侧和手背的皮肤摩擦系数个体差异较小,而脸颊和手掌的皮肤摩擦系数个体差异较大。女性脸颊、手掌的皮肤摩擦系数大于男性(P<0.05);女性前臂伸侧、前臂屈侧的皮肤摩擦系数小于男性(P<0.05);前额、手背的皮肤摩擦系数不存在性别差异(P>0.05)。不同解剖部位之间的皮肤摩擦系数有显著差异(P<0.05),无论男、女性,解剖部位按照摩擦系数大小排序一致为:脸颊>手掌>前额>手背>手臂屈侧>手臂伸侧。试验提供了1个从摩擦学角度了解皮肤品质的方法。


    Abstract: To study the effect of gender and anatomical regions on the biological and tribological properties of human skin, we measured friction coefficients of six different anatomical regions of human skin by using a portable friction measuring machine. The results showed that the individual differences in friction coefficients of forehead, extensor and flexor aspect of arm, and dorsum were relatively lower than those of cheek and palm. The friction coefficients of cheek and palm of female were much higher than those of male (P<0.05), but the friction coefficients of both extensor and flexor aspect of arm of female were much lower than those of male (P<0.05), friction coefficients of forehead and dorsum manus showed no significant differences between the genders (P>0.05). The friction coefficients were clearly different among anatomical regions (P>0.05), the anatomical regions with the highest to the lowest friction coefficients listed as: cheeks > palm > forehead > dorsum manus > flexor aspect and extensor aspect of arm for both male and female. The experiments provided a method to understand the skin character from tribological point of view.


