ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Determination of Oil-inlet Boundary Condition of Circular Tilt-pad Thrust Bearing

  • 摘要: 采用有限元法对Reynolds方程、能量方程及弹性方程进行了联立求解,通过计算瓦边法向平均速度,较精确地确定了瓦的入油边界条件,从而更精确地计算出圆形瓦的压力分布及温度分布,通过轴承试验台试验发现,计算结果和实验结果较吻合。


    Abstract: The Reynolds equation, energy equation and elastic equation of a circular tilt pad thrust bearing were solved by using finite element methods. The oil inlet boundary condition of the bearing was determined by calculation of the normal velocity on the edge of the pad. Thus the pressure distribution and temperature distribution were determined more accurately. It has been found that the calculated results agree well with the ones obtained on a bearing bench test rig.


