ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Theory of Adhesion-Hysteresis-Fatigue of Elastomeric Tribology and Experimental Demonstration

  • 摘要: 为了更好地解决弹性体摩擦学方面的问题,建立了弹性体摩擦的黏滞疲劳理论,阐明了弹性体摩擦是粘附的表面拉伸效应和迟滞的体积变形效应的综合作用,揭示了弹性体磨损的本质机理是周期性疲劳破坏,解释了弹性体在摩擦过程中的各种特征现象.实验论证了黏滞疲劳理论在摩擦和磨损方面的可行性和精确性.通过建立的公式计算了弹性体的摩擦系数和摩擦力,并控制误差在6%的范围内;计算了弹性体的表观单位磨损率,并控制误差在7%的范围内.


    Abstract: In order to solve the problem of elastomeric tribology better, the theory of adhesion-hysteresis-fatigue was established. The elastomeric friction was the compositive result of surface tension effects of adhesion and volume deformation effects of hysteresis. The nature mechanism of abrasion was cyclical fatigue damage. Many special phenomena of elastomeric tribology were well explained by this theory. The feasibility and accuracy of this theory about friction and wear were demonstrated by the experiment. The friction coefficient and the friction force could be calculated by formula (14) and the error could be controlled in the range of 6%. The apparent special wear rate could be calculated by formula (18) and the error could be controlled in the range of 7%.


