ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of addition of Cu-Al-Mn Phase Change Alloy on Friction and Wear Properties of Resin-Based Friction Material

  • 摘要: 将Cu-11.9Al-2.5Mn相变合金粉以20%,30%和40%的质量百分数掺入到酚醛树脂基摩擦材料中,采用摩擦试验机测试试样的摩擦系数和磨损率,利用扫描电镜观察试样的磨损表面,并比较分析了相变合金粉对试样摩擦和磨损性能的影响.结果表明:与未掺相变合金粉的试样相比,掺入合金粉后,试样的热衰退程度大大降低,盘温为350℃时摩擦系数反而略有升高.此现象应与Cu-11.9Al-2.5Mn合金发生逆马氏体相变,吸收摩擦热,延缓温度上升有关.当掺入比例为30%时,摩擦系数稳定性最好.随着掺入比例的提高,磨损率上升.当掺入比例提高至40%时,由于树脂相对量减小,使合金颗粒与基体的结合性能变差,合金颗粒脱落量增大,磨损率在350℃时剧增.


    Abstract: Various amounts of Cu-11.9Al-2.5Mn phase change alloy powders (20%, 30% and 40%) were added into phenolic resin-based friction material and the effect of phase change alloy powder on friction and wear properties were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe worn surfaces of specimens. The results show that addition of Cu-11.9Al-2.5Mn alloy powder greatly reduced heat fading and increased the friction coefficients at a disc temperature of 350℃. It can be attributed to reverse martensitic transformation of the alloy powder which is an endothermic process and delayed the temperature rise of specimen. The resin-based friction material with an addition amount of 30% alloy powder exhibited stable frictional trace. Increased alloy powder amount increased the wear rate. The addition of 40% alloy powder degraded the bonding between alloy powder and matrix and severe wear at 350℃ was observed.


