ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Abrasive wear of Laser Surface Hardened 9SiCr in Soils

  • 摘要: 在壤土、沙土和黏土3种土壤中对激光处理的9SiCr材料进行磨损试验,考察了激光硬化工艺参数对9SiCr 旋耕刀基体显微硬度的影响,获得9SiCr 旋耕刀基体激光硬化处理的最佳工艺参数。结果表明:在激光功率为1 200W、扫描速度为14mm/s和激光功率1500W、扫描速度16mm/s的条件下,磨损率较小。激光处理表面在3种土壤条件下进行了耐磨性比较,沙土对试件的磨损率影响最小。9SiCr经过激光处理其表面耐磨性比一般淬火表面的耐磨性提高约5倍。9SiCr表面磨损形式主要是磨粒磨损。激光处理9SiCr表面提高了表面硬化层的硬度,从而提高了材料的耐磨性,增加了9SiCr的使用寿命。


    Abstract: Abrasive wear tests of laser treated 9SiCr blade were conducted using three kinds of abrasives (loam soil, sand soil and clay soil). The parameters of laser treatment (e.g. laser power 1200W, scanning velocity 14mm/s; laser power 1500W, scanning velocity 16mm/s) were optimized to obtain the hard and wear resistant surface on 9SiCr blade. Wear resistances of laser treated 9SiCr blade in three kinds of soils were measured and compared. The wear resistance of laser hardened 9SiCr steel blade was 5 times as high as that of quenched 9SiCr steel blade. The main wear mechanism of laser hardened 9SiCr blade in soil was abrasive wear. By improving the hardness, the wear lifetime of laser hardened 9SiCr blade was prompted.


