ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Properties of Two Carbonyl Iron-based Magnetorheological Fluids under Magnetic Field

  • 摘要: 本文采用改进后的四球摩擦磨损试验机,考察了羰基铁磁流变液在外加磁场条件下的摩擦磨损行为,并比较了有场和无场条件下磁流变液的摩擦系数变化情况。结果表明:外加磁场能使磁流变液的摩擦系数显著增大,且磁流变液的摩擦系数随磁场强度的增加呈现出增大的趋势;钢球磨斑形貌由圆形或椭圆形变为近似矩形,磨痕变浅;无场条件下,系统的摩擦磨损形式是钢球、磁性颗粒、钢球之间的三体磨损;外加磁场时,磁流变液的摩擦磨损形式发生改变。


    Abstract: Engineering apparatus based on MR fluids must work under magnetic field. Besides its rheological properties, stabilities of sedimentation and properties of viscosity versus temperature, MR fluids’ tribological properties especially under magnetic field are so important that they cannot be neglected when applied to those apparatus. The friction and wear behaviors of Carbonyl Iron-based magnetorheological fluids were investigated on a four-ball machine equipped with magnetic field. The results showed that the friction coefficient of MR fluids increased along with higher strength of magnetic field. The morphology of worn surface was changed from circle or ellipse to irregular rectangle. Worn trace became flat under magnetic field.


