ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Carbon Content on Impact Wear Resistance of Low Carbon High Alloy Steel in Corrosive Condition

  • 摘要: 在冲击、腐蚀磨损条件下,对不同碳含量的新型衬板用低碳高合金钢的磨损行为进行比较,采用金相显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和X射线衍射仪观察分析合金组织、其亚表层金相组织及冲击腐蚀磨损表面形貌,对合金组织和在腐蚀环境下的冲击磨损机制进行探讨,结果表明:与含碳量为0.16%、0.25%的低碳高合金钢相比,碳含量为0.21%的低碳高合金钢在腐蚀环境下具有最佳的抗冲击磨损性能,其磨损机制以疲劳剥层为主.


    Abstract: Impact wear properties of the low carbon high alloy steels with different carbon content in corrosive condition were investigated. The slurry was the mixture of the dilute sulfuric acid with pH value 2.5 and the iron ore with 1.7 -3.3 mm in diameter. The impact energy is 2.7 J. The improved MLD-10 impact-corrosion-wear tester was used to investigate the wear properties of the alloy. By analyzing the X-ray diffraction spectra, the morphology of worn surfaces and the metallograph of subsurface of the specimen, the microstructure and the corrosive impact wear mechanism of the steels were investigated. The low carbon high alloy steel with 0.21% C has better corrosive impact wear resistance than the steels containing 0.16% C and 0.25% C. The dominant wear mechanism was fatigue with shallow flaking. The microcracks initiated at subsurface, developed parallel to the wear surface and led to the shallow flaking. The dominant wear mechanisms for the steels contain 0.16% and 0.25% carbon are multiple plastic deformation and deep fatigue with shallow flaking respectively.


