ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Properties of Micro Arc Oxidation Films on Aluminum Alloy Substrate

  • 摘要: 描述了微弧氧化的形成过程及其发展变化,考察了氧化膜的基本物理化学特性,指出微弧氧化膜主要特点是膜层厚,致密,硬度高,具有非常好的耐磨,耐蚀,耐压绝缘和抗高温冲击特性,在工业部门中具有广阔的应用前景。


    Abstract: Micro arc oxidation film was prepared on Al alloy surface. The micro arc oxidation (MAO) process is introduced at details. The mechanical properties and other characteristics of the film have been examined. As the results, MAO film shows high hardness, good wear resistance and corrosion resistance, and good insulation. Thus micro arc oxidation films are to find promising applications in various industrial fields.


