ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Behavior and Action Mechanism of Several Multiply-alkylated Cyclopentanes as Lubricants of a Steel/Steel System

  • 摘要: 合成了系列多烷基环戊烷,采用傅立叶变换红外光谱仪和核磁共振谱仪进行表征,确定为目标化合物,并测定产物的黏度、倾点和密度.将多烷基环戊烷用作润滑剂,在SRV摩擦磨损试验机上评价对钢/钢摩擦副的润滑作用,并利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)分析钢块磨损表面形貌及化学状态.结果表明:多烷基环戊烷作为润滑剂对钢/钢摩擦副具有良好的减摩抗磨性能,其摩擦学性能受取代基的影响;取代基碳链越长,减摩效果越好;XPS结果显示低载荷时,MACs在摩擦副表面形成较为牢固的物理吸附膜,起到减摩抗磨的作用;随着载荷的增大,MACs借助于含Fe2O3和摩擦聚合物等的边界润滑膜来保护材料表面.


    Abstract: A series of multiply-alkylated cyclopentanes (MACs) were synthesized. In comparision with perfluoropolyether (PFPE), these compounds as promising lubricants for steel/steel contact were evaluated by an SRV test rig in a ball-on-disc configuration. It is found that multiply-alkylated cyclopentanes had better antiwear ability than that of perfluoropolyether. The correlation between the chemical structure of the compounds and their friction-reducing and antiwear behaviors was discussed. An action mechanism of the lubricants was proposed, based on the observation and analysis of the morphologies of the worn steel surfaces with a scanning electron microscope, the analysis of the chemical states of the worn surfaces on an X-ray photoelectron spectroscope, and the datas of gel permeation chromatograph (GPC). In the beginning, boundary lubricating film of MACs was formed on the steel worn surface by physical adsorption, this contributed to reduced friction and wear. The generation of a boundary lubricating film containing Fe2O3 and polymer reduced friction and wear, while the reaction of MACs with the steel surface occurred at elevated temperature.


