ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Squeeze Film Effect and Hydrodynamics for Ultra-thin Gas Film Lubrication at the Head/disk Interface in Hard Disk Drives

  • 摘要: 针对求解磁头/磁盘界面动态气膜力时出现的不易收敛和编程复杂的问题,本文提出了基于PDE工具求解气体润滑的瞬态和稳态雷诺方程的方法,计算了具有不同最小气膜厚度的Tri-pad正压型和Tri-pad负压型浮动块空气轴承在加载和卸载过程中的瞬态和稳态气膜压力分布,求解了作用面上的轴承力,并将2种状态下超薄气膜挤压效应和动压效应对轴承力的影响进行了对比.仿真结果表明,该方法具有足够的求解精度,且收敛速度快,为研究具有复杂磁头形貌特征的超薄气体润滑的动态特性提供了方便、准确的方法.


    Abstract: In order to solve the convergence problems in solving the Reynolds’ Equation for ultra-thin gas film lubrication numerically and to avoid the complex programming process, a PDE-based method for solving the equation was proposed in the study. The pressure distributions on the air bearing surfaces for Tri-pad positive and negative sliders with different gas film thickness at the transient and steady state during loading/unloading process were calculated, respectively. The air bearing force then was obtained based on the simulation results. The effects of the squeeze film and dynamic pressure on the air bearing force at transient state were compared with the effects at steady state. The simulated results indicated that the proposed method had good accuracy and fast convergence characteristics for the description of air bearing force. It provided a convenient and accurate method to study the dynamic performance of ultra-thin film lubrication for the head/disk interface with complicated profiles.


