ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



One-step Preparation of Graphite/PTFE Co-containing Self-lubricating Coating by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation

  • 摘要: 在Na2SiO3-KOH基础电解液中添加不同的固体润滑微粒,利用微弧氧化技术在LY12铝合金上制备了含有固体润滑剂的微弧氧化膜层.利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)研究了未添加、添加聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)和石墨-PTFE共添加微弧氧化膜层的组成和微结构.采用往复球-盘试验机评价了膜层的摩擦学性能.结果表明:加入到电解液中的固体润滑剂在微弧氧化过程中成功进入到膜层中,从而得到含有固体润滑剂的复合膜层.添加PTFE的微弧氧化膜层相较于未添加的膜层具有更小的摩擦系数,而石墨-PTFE共添加能够进一步降低膜层的摩擦系数.


    Abstract: Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) in Na2SiO3-KOH electrolytes with different solid lubricant additives are used to produce solid lubricant-containing PEO coatings on LY12 aluminum alloy. The composition and microstructure of the PEO coating, PTFE-containing PEO coating and graphite/PTFE co-containing PEO coating are analyzed by using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The tribological properties of PEO coatings are evaluated on a reciprocating ball-on-disk tribometer. The results show that the solid lubricant additives incorporated successfully into the PEO coatings. PTFE-containing PEO coatings exhibit lower friction coefficient than that of the PEO coatings. The graphite/PTFE-PEO coating has the lowest friction coefficient.


