ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



  • 摘要: 评述了近年来关于摩擦现象基础研究的进展与成果,包括超滑的分子动力学模型,界面摩擦试验,表面微观结构的相对称性以及摩擦的能量耗散过程等。肯定了超滑的模拟结果及其理论解释对于摩擦机理和控制研究的启迪和促进作用,分析了模拟结果与现实世界差异的深层次原因,并指出了这一差别将促使人们超越经典力学的框架,为探索和发现尚未认识的摩擦机制创造新的机遇。


    Abstract: The recent progress in fundamental study of friction, including molecular dynamics simulation of superlubricity, interfacial friction testing, commensurate theory on the origin of friction, and the investigation of energy dissipation during friction process, is reviewed. It is true that the simulation of superlubricity and its theoretical explanation are inspiring to promote the fundamental study and practical control of friction, but the difference between computed results and the physical reality deserves a further investigation. It is the difference that encourages us to go beyond the classical mechanics and to explore at depth the unknown world of friction.


