ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Rolling Wear and Damage Behaviors between Three Kinds of Rail Materials and Wheel Material

  • 摘要: 利用WR-1轮轨滚动磨损试验机研究了U71Mn、PD3、PG4三种钢轨与AAR-B车轮材料匹配时的滚动磨损与损伤性能.结果表明:不同钢轨材料的微观组织结构明显不同,钢轨硬度对轮轨滚动摩擦系数基本无影响;随钢轨硬度增加,钢轨磨损率减小,车轮磨损率增大,轮轨系统总磨损率先减小后增大.随试验时间增加,不同钢轨试样的硬化率趋于一致,车轮试样硬化率随钢轨试样硬度的增加而变大,轨轮硬度比随试验时间增加趋于相同.钢轨材料对轮轨试样表面损伤形貌有一定影响,随钢轨硬度增加轮轨表面犁沟现象明显,钢轨试样表面剥落损伤减轻且塑性变形层变薄,出现了明显的疲劳裂纹损伤,钢轨硬度增加导致车轮试样表面剥落加重且塑性变形层变厚;轮轨试样表层出现明显的白层现象,且车轮试样的白层更厚.


    Abstract: The rolling wear and damage characteristics between three kinds of rails (U71Mn,PD3 and PG4) and AAR-B wheel material were investigated using a WR-1 wheel/rail rolling wear testing apparatus. The results show that three kinds of rail materials exhibited different microstructure. The hardness of rail material had no obvious effect on rolling friction coefficient of wheel/rail specimens. With an increase of rail hardness,the wear rate of rail specimen decreased and the wear rate of wheel specimen increased. Furthermore,total wear rate of wheel/rail specimens firstly decreased and then increased. The hardening rates of different rail specimens were tending to be the same with an increase of testing time. However,the hardening rates of wheel specimens obviously increaseed with an increase of rail hardness. The hardness ratios of rail/wheel specimens tended to be identical after a certain testing time. The rail material had an important effect on the surface damage morphology of wheel/rail specimens. With an increase of rail hardness,the surface ploughing of rail specimens became obvious. The surface spalling damage and plastic deformation of rail specimens alleviated. Furthermore,there was obvious fatigue crack on the rail specimens. However,the increase of hardness of rail material resulted in aggravating the spalling damage and plastic deformation of wheel specimens. The wheel/rail specimens exhibited obvious white layer and the white layer of wheel specimens were thicker than that of rail.


