ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Experiment of Viscous Friction Characteristics of Fluorous Rubber O-rings at Low Gas Seal Pressure

  • 摘要: 开展了低气体密封压力条件下的氟橡胶O型圈低压黏滞摩擦特性实验研究.对氟橡胶O型圈与不锈钢2Cr13摩擦副的摩擦力的时变曲线进行测量,重点分析了密封压力、O型圈压缩率和滑动速度对O型圈黏滞摩擦力的影响规律.结果表明:随压缩率的增加,氟橡胶 O型圈摩擦力增加,并呈现出明显的回弹特征,即滞后摩擦力增加且释放时间增加;随着密封压力的增加,其所受最大静摩擦力、滑动摩擦力与滞后摩擦力均呈现非线性变化,且存在一极大值;减小往复运动速度,摩擦力数值增大,但摩擦力极值对应的密封压力值变小.


    Abstract: Viscous friction characteristic of fluorous rubber O-rings under low gas pressure was investigated. The effects of seal pressure, O-ring compression ratios and velocity of friction arm on the O-ring's viscous friction were analyzed based on the measurement of frictional force between fluorous rubber O-rings and stainless steel 2Cr13. The results show that the friction increased with the increasing of O-ring compression ratio, and it showed obvious rebound characteristics as the friction (hysteresis) increased. The maximum friction force, the sliding friction force and the hysteresis friction force presented a non-linearly increased with the increasing seal pressure. With the decreasing of reciprocating velocity, the friction force increased, while the gas pressure corresponding to maximum friction force decreased.


