ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Study on the Tribological Characteristics of Carbon Fiber-Copper Matrix Composite

  • 摘要: 本文对碳纤维铜基复合材料与钢组成的摩擦副进行了摩擦学性能研究,在不同的滑动速度和不同的载荷条件下,得出了摩擦系数和比磨损率的试验结果,并且对碳膜的形成和破裂,摩擦系数的变化过程,以及出现的磨损状态等进行了分析和讨论。


    Abstract: Under the different sliding speed (0.22-0.47m/s) and load (20-70N) conditions, the tribological properties of carbon fiber-copper matrix composite against steel were studied. The results are as follows: a. When the direction of sliding is vertical with that of carbon fiber, a thicker and well-distributed carbon film is formed fast, and thus the friction coefficient and specific wear rate is lower, as the sliding speed is high the friction coefficient increases due to that the carbon film is destroyed easily; when the sliding direction is parallel with that of carbon fiber, both of friction coefficient and specific wear rate increases due to that the well-distributed carbon film is not formed easily, but small changes present in the friction coefficient range with sliding speed. b. The friction coefficient is corresponding to the degree of wear. The wear is in the normal state when the friction coefficient is low and stable. As the friction coefficient increases repidly the severe wear is happened. In order to avoid severe wear of carbon fiber-copper matrix composites, a suitable PV value must be selected. c. When the carbon fiber is well-distributed in copper matrix, amount of carbon can be added to carbon film so as to keep the stabilizing of this film, and thus to keep the stability of friction coefficient and specific wear rate.


