ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Investigation on a New Five-parameter Rheological Model of Lubricating Oil

  • 摘要: 基于Evans-Johnson模型提出了润滑油五参数流变模型,利用Evans-Johnson流变模型和五参数流变模型对润滑油的拖动系数进行计算,并与试验数据进行对比.结果表明,利用五参数流变模型预测的拖动曲线与试验曲线形状一致,预测精度较高.在热效应不显著的情况下,采用Evans-Johnson流变模型和五参数流变模型预测的拖动系数基本重合,与试验值接近;在热效应比较显著的区域,利用五参数模型预测的油膜温度值高于Evans-Johnson模型的预测值,对拖动系数的预测精度远大于Evans-Johnson模型的预测精度,解决了在热效应较显著的情况下流变模型对拖动力预测精度较低的难题.


    Abstract: A new five-parameter rheological model was presented based on the Evans-Johnson rheological model, and the traction coefficients calculated by the Evans-Johnson rheological model and the five-parameter rheological model were compared with the experimental traction coefficients. The computed results show that the traction curves predicted by the five-parameter rheological model agreed is high. When the thermal effects inside the contact zone well with experimental curves and the predicted precision played strongor role, the traction coefficients predicted by the five-parameter rheological model were more accurate than those predicted by the Evans-Johnson model, and the temperature in oil film predicted by the five-parameter rheological model was higher than that predicted by the Evans-Johnson model. The traction coefficients predicted by the two models were equally accurate when the thermal effects were not significant. The five-parameter rheological model have successful solved the problem for predicting fraction coefficient with high precision when the thermal effects are significant, while the Evans-Johnson rheological model has low prediction precision at the same conditions.


