ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Design, Preparation and Properties Study of Powder Metallurgy Nano-TiC Particles Reinforced FeCrAlY Matrix Composites Friction Plate

  • 摘要: 高性能自润滑摩擦板是支承核反应堆主设备的关键部件之一,其服役环境处在高温、重载、低速滑移以及辐射等苛刻环境,其综合性能与反应堆设备安全密切相关. 本文中采用粉末冶金工艺设计制备了1种FeCrAlY-xTiC (x=15%~35%)摩擦板材料,研究了该材料的组织结构、力学性能以及摩擦板在模拟重载低速服役工况下(载荷为75 N、速率为0.01 m/s、温度为室温~300 ℃)的摩擦学综合性能,探讨了其作为结构功能材料应用于反应堆支承摩擦板的可行性. 研究结果表明:FeCrAlY-xTiC复合材料主要由Fe-Cr、FeAl、Fe2AlCr合金相和TiC增强相构成,TiC增强相均匀分布于合金基体中,TiC质量分数增加有利于消除材料强度的各向异性性能;复合材料的维氏硬度和压缩强度分别在3.4~5.6 GPa和1 127~1 148 MPa之间,弯曲强度和拉伸强度分别在331~709 MPa和183~340 MPa之间;复合材料在重载低速摩擦条件下具有稳定的摩擦系数. 综合机械性能和摩擦学性能,本文中优化出最佳的TiC添加质量分数为35%. 当TiC质量分数为35%时,室温、300 ℃及室温→300 ℃动态升温过程中的摩擦系数在0.3~0.4之间,复合材料的磨损率约为1×10−5~3 ×10−5 mm3/(N·m),磨损机制主要为磨粒磨损和轻微氧化磨损,优化出的FeCrAlY-35%TiC复合材料具有宽温度域范围摩擦系数稳定以及较小的磨损率等综合优异性能,试验表明其可以作为反应堆主设备支承界面用摩擦板的工程应用材料.


    Abstract: A high-performance self-lubrication friction plate is one of the critical components to support the nuclear reactor primary equipment, the operation service environment is under hard conditions frequently, such as elevated temperatures, heavy loads, slow sliding motions, exposure to radiation and so on. The general performance of friction plate will be closely related with the safety of the reactors’ primary equipment. Based on this, in this study, FeCrAlY-xTiC (where x ranges from 15% to 35%) friction plate materials were prepared using powder metallurgy technology. The phase compositions, microstructure, mechanical properties and the tribological properties of FeCrAlY-xTiCfriction plate materials under simulated service conditions were investigated in detail. The possibility of its application as the structural and functional material in the supporting system of the reactor equipment was explored. The results indicated that: 1) FeCrAlY-xTiC composites were composed of Fe-Cr, FeAl and Fe2AlCr alloy phases, along with a TiC reinforcement phase, and TiC was uniformly distributed throughout the ferroalloy matrix. In the meantime, the increased content of TiC reinforcement phase would be beneficial to eliminate the possibility of the anisotropy with material strength; 2) The Vickers hardness and compressive strength of FeCrAlY-xTiC composites were in the range of 3.4~5.6 GPa and 1 127~1 148 MPa, respectively, while the flexural strength and tensile strength of FeCrAlY-xTiC composites were in the range of 331~709 MPa and 183~340 MPa, respectively; 3) FeCrAlY-xTiC composites demonstrated the stable friction coefficients when subjected to high load and low-speed friction conditions. Combining mechanical properties and tribological properties, the optimized mass fraction of TiC was determined to be 35%. When the mass fraction of TiC was 35%, the friction coefficient at room temperature, 300 ℃ and during the dynamic heating process from room temperature to 300 ℃ were in the range of 0.3~0.4. The wear rate of FeCrAlY-xTiC composites was approximately 1×10−5~3×10−5 mm3/(N·m). The wear mechanisms were mainly abrasive wear and slight oxidation wear. The optimized FeCrAlY-35%TiC composite possessed unique comprehensive properties, including a stable friction coefficient and reduced wear rate across a broad temperature range. FeCrAlY-35%TiC composite could be used as the interface base material for the friction plate that supported the primary equipment of the reactor in engineering applications.


