ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Measurement Method of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Compressive Elastic Modulus of Highly Viscous Liquids

  • 摘要: 热膨胀系数和压缩弹性模量是液体密度温变和压变特性的重要物理参数,热膨胀系数和压缩弹性模量变化会影响对实际工况下密封和润滑失效等问题理论分析准确度. 针对高黏度润滑油的阻尼效应严重影响现有商用振动弦式密度计的激振,难以实现高精度测定的问题,本文中设计了1种采用因瓦合金作为罐体材料及小内径毛细管计量膨胀体积的测量装置, 直接测定温升过程中液体的膨胀体积和密封罐体中液体的膨胀压强,隔绝高黏度液体的阻尼效应对测定的影响. 装置的密度测定精准度为±0.05%,热膨胀系数和压缩弹性模量测定精准度可以达到±3%. 测定部分PAO基础油,从室温到80 ℃,其热膨胀系数升高近30%,30~45 ℃压缩弹性模量约为1.28~1.45 GPa. 本研究中设计的测定装置可以实现高黏度润滑油热膨胀系数和压缩弹性模量高精准测定,可为润滑油理论分析计算所需参数提供更可靠的基础数据支撑.


    Abstract: The coefficient of thermal expansion and the modulus of elasticity in compression are important physical parameters for the temperature and compressive behavior of the density of liquid lubricants. Changes in the coefficient of thermal expansion and the modulus of elasticity in the compression of lubricants affect the accuracy of theoretical analyses of problems such as sealing and lubrication failures under actual operating conditions. Existing commercial vibrating string densitometers can measure the temperature and pressure characteristics of low-viscosity liquid density with high accuracy, but the damping effect of high-viscosity lubricants seriously affects the vibrating string excitation, and the measurement error is large. In this paper, a device was designed to measure the coefficient of thermal expansion and compressive elastic modulus of high-viscosity lubricating oils using Invar alloy as the tank material and a small internal diameter capillary metering expansion volume, with an accuracy of ±0.05% for density measurement and ±3% for coefficient of thermal expansion and compressive elastic modulus measurement. PAO8, PAO10 and PAO65 were selected as the base oils for the determination of the coefficient of thermal expansion from room temperature to 80 ℃ and the compressive elastic modulus at room temperature. The coefficient of thermal expansion of base oil from room temperature to 80 ℃ was about 7×10−4~10×10−4/℃, which increased by nearly 30%. The compressive elastic modulus of the base oil was about 1.28~1.45 GPa, which decreased slightly with the increase in temperature. The device designed in this study for the determination of the coefficient of thermal expansion and compressive elastic modulus of lubricating oil filled the gap in the accurate determination of the coefficient of thermal expansion and compressive elastic modulus of high viscosity lubricating oil, and it could provide support for the theoretical analysis of lubricating oils to calculate the required parameters.


