ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Primary Secondary Tertiary Ammonium Salt on Lubrication Properties of Protic Ionic Liquid Additives

  • 摘要: 选择具有相同阴离子和链长的伯仲叔铵盐离子液体(N1P、N2P和N3P)作为聚α烯烃基础油(PAO10)的添加剂,通过试验探究伯仲叔离子液体的润滑性能差异. 用UMT摩擦磨损试验机从添加浓度和摩擦频率方面探究其减摩抗磨性能;使用共聚焦显微镜测量磨损量、SEM扫描电子显微镜观察磨痕、EDS能谱仪和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析摩擦表面化学元素;使用光干涉润滑油膜试验台探究3种质子型离子液体的成膜性能. 结果发现同等条件下伯铵盐离子液体油样减摩抗磨性能和成膜性能最好. 且通过吸附膜表征试验证实离子液体会在摩擦表面形成吸附层,起到表面改性作用,同样是伯铵盐离子液体油样形成吸附层最厚.


    Abstract: In order to investigate the influence of the number of cationic carbon chains on the tribological properties of ionic liquids, three protone-type ionic liquids with the same anion and chain length, N1P(N8HHHDEHP), N2P(N88HHDEHP) and N3P(N888HDEHP), were selected as additives to the polyA olefinic base oil (PAO10), and the differences in lubrication properties of the liquid were investigated by experiments. The UMT friction and wear testing machine was used to investigate its anti-friction and anti-wear performance in terms of addition concentration and friction frequency. The wear amount was measured by confocal microscope, the wear marks were observed by SEM scanning electron microscope, and the chemical elements were analyzed by EDS spectrometer and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The film forming properties of three proton-type ionic liquids were investigated by using an optical interference lubricating oil film test rig. The results showed that the addition of ionic liquid could reduce the friction coefficient and wear amount, and the elemental analysis showed that the active elements N and P react with the metal substrate to form tribo-film. Under the same conditions, the lower the number of cationic carbon chains, the better the anti-friction and anti-wear properties and film forming properties of ionic liquids. As the number of cationic carbon chains in ionic liquid decreased, the steric hindrance effect between anions and cations decreased, which was conducive to the formation of network hydrogen bonds, the interaction between anions and cations was enhanced, and a more compact and ordered adsorption film can be formed on the surface of the substrate, thus affecting the quality of the tribo-film, so it has better tribological properties. The adsorption film characterization test confirmed that the ionic liquid could form an adsorption layer on the friction surface, which played a surface modification role, thus reducing the degree of oil depletion, and the less the number of carbon chains, the thicker the adsorption layer. Therefore, the study of the influence of cationic structure on tribological properties was helpful for the molecular structure design of ionic liquid additives with excellent tribological properties and film forming properties.


