ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



U75V Rail Wear Based on Full-Scale Wheel-Rail Rolling Test Rig

  • 摘要: 基于重载铁路的发展情况和真实轮轨系统,综合考虑机械和动力,设计并制造了1种可模拟重载铁路工况的实尺轮轨滚动试验平台,通过该试验平台探究了U75V钢轨在不同等级荷载作用下的表面磨耗演化规律,并结合三维扫描技术对钢轨磨耗量在本级荷载内随车轮滚动次数增长的变化规律和随荷载逐级增加的变化规律进行了定量研究. 研究表明:在车轮滚动循环荷载下,钢轨表面磨耗以黏着磨损和疲劳磨损为主,且随着车轮循环次数的增加呈现黏着-疲劳交叉占据主导的规律;在同级荷载内,随着循环次数的增多,由于残余应力的累计,钢轨表面以黏着磨耗主导过渡到疲劳磨耗主导的周期逐渐缩短;随着荷载等级的增加,磨耗量成非线性增长,在疲劳磨损为主要磨损形式的循环周期内会出现磨耗量激增.


    Abstract: With the continuous growth of the freight volume of heavy haul railway and the continuous improvement of the axle load of freight vehicles, the damage of the train to the track is gradually increasing, the wear problem of the rail on the small radius curve is becoming more and more serious, and the frequent replacement of the rail brings huge economic losses. In China 's heavy haul freight transportation, the wear of wheels and rails consumes a lot of economic costs. The annual maintenance and repair costs of freight train wheels and heavy haul rails are as high as more than 8 billion yuan. Therefore, the long-term fatigue performance and wear law of the rail need to be further studied. Based on the development of heavy haul railway and real wheel-rail system, considering the mechanical and dynamic systems, a full-scale wheel-rail test rig was designed and manufactured to simulate the working conditions of heavy haul railway. The test rig was mainly composed of two parts: mechanical system and hydraulic system. The mechanical system was mainly composed of mounting base, gantry, mobile platform, wheelset fixing device and supporting beam, which can realize two test modes of adjustable random load loading test and wheel-rail rolling contact loading test. The hydraulic system was mainly composed of hydraulic pump station, oil distributor, hydraulic actuator and pipeline system, which provided vertical, horizontal and vertical driving power for the test rig. The test rig was used to conduct graded loading to explore the evolution law of surface wear of U75V rail under different levels of load. Combined with three-dimensional scanning technology, the variation law of rail wear with the increase of wheel rolling times and the increase of load was quantitatively studied. The results showd that the designed and constructed full-scale wheel-rail test rig could be used to simulate the actual heavy haul wheel-rail contact conditions. The test rig could be used to study the friction behavior of the rail surface during rolling contact by changing the axle weight and obtained reliable test data. It could also help to understand the development mechanism of rail surface wear under heavy haul load rolling contact conditions, and provide reference for predicting the development of rail wear. The bilateral filtering method was used to reduce the noise of the rail point cloud model obtained from three-dimensional scanning, which could be well restored to the rail surface topography and used for the measurement of rail surface wear development. The changes in rail surface feature indicate that the wear of rail was mainly adhesive wear and fatigue wear after controlling the influence of environmental variables. The material loss caused by adhesive wear was mainly powdery iron dust, while the material loss caused by fatigue wear was mainly flaky wear. With the increase of wheel rolling times, the wear form showed the rule of adhesive-fatigue cross dominating. In addition, the quantitative analysis of wear showed that in the same level of load, with the increase of wheel rolling times, the wear form gradually transformed from adhesive wear to fatigue wear. When a large amount of fatigue wear occurred, it returned to adhesive wear. With the increase of load grade, wear increased nonlinearly. The load grade with a high proportion of cycle in which fatigue wear was the main wear form would appear a surge in wear.


