ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Preliminary Experimental Study on Dynamic Wheel-rail Adhesion Behavior at Large Creepages and High Speeds

  • 摘要: 在1:3比例双盘试验台上开展了涵盖不同第三介质、速度及轴重的动态大蠕滑黏着试验,最高线速度250 km/h,获得了轮轨力、蠕滑率、黏着系数及黏滑曲线等动态测试结果,分析了黏着系数的动态变化特征和第二峰现象,并利用测得的振动加速度解释了部分动态现象. 结果表明:轮轨力和黏着系数均呈现明显的动态效应,在液体第三介质下尤为突出;水介质下黏着系数波动范围不随速度显著变化,但其重要性因黏着水平的降低而愈发凸显,如在250 km/h速度下第一峰处黏着系数谷值仅0.020,动态低黏着风险加剧;在防冻液、油、肥皂水和水等介质下,黏着系数均值依次递增,第二峰仅在水介质下发生,而黏着波动在防冻液下极小;轴重13、14.5和17 t变化对动态黏滑曲线影响有限且不单调. 最后,基于CR450动车组轴重下试验数据,构建了Polach架构的准稳态黏着模型及黏滑曲面,为试验结果应用及后续分析提供重要的参考.


    Abstract: The basic operations of trains, including traction, braking, and curving, are all dependent on the friction, or creep force, between the wheels and rails. In the railway industry, the terminology of wheel-rail adhesion is usually used to represent such friction. The wheel-rail adhesion is governed by a variety of factors, and when the adhesion level fails to meet the requirements for traction or braking, a low adhesion issue occurs and the wheel-rail rolling-sliding turns into full-sliding very rapidly. As a result, vehicles may become out of control, and the surfaces of the wheels and/or rails can sustain damage due to the resulting large creepages. Such occurrences not only jeopardize operational safety and stability, but also lead to increased maintenance costs, presenting a significant challenge for the industry. In terms of high-speed railways, the low adhesion issue becomes more troublesome due to increasing adhesion requirement, stronger wheel-rail dynamic interactions, and various other contributing factors. This may highlight the importance of wheel-rail dynamic adhesion and the corresponding dynamic low adhesion, while it is not yet clearly understood. Therefore, adhesion tests were carried out using a 1:3 scaled twin-rig apparatus at a maximum line speed of 250 km/h, under different conditions of the third medium, speed and axle load. Some dynamic results, such as wheel-rail force, creepage, adhesion coefficient and creep curve were derived by tests. The fluctuation characteristics of the adhesion coefficient and the “second peak” phenomenon were analyzed in detail and were preliminarily explained through the measured vibration acceleration. The results showed that both wheel-rail force and adhesion coefficient exhibited significant dynamic effects, especially under liquid-lubricated conditions. The fluctuation of the adhesion coefficient did not change significantly with speed under wet conditions, but its significance was emphasized by the decrease in the steady adhesion level. For example, the trough of the adhesion coefficient at the first peak was only approximately 0.020 under wet conditions and at 250 km/h, indicating an increased risk of dynamic low adhesion issues. Comparisons of results under different liquid-lubricated conditions revealed that the average adhesion coefficient increased in the following order: antifreeze, oil, soapy water and wet conditions. Furthermore, the second peak phenomenon occurred only under wet conditions, and the fluctuation of the adhesion coefficient under antifreeze conditions was minimal. In contrast, variations in axle loads of 13, 14.5 and 17 t had limited and non-monotonic effects on the dynamic adhesion curves. These results illustrated the complexity of dynamic adhesion behavior. Finally, the quasi-steady adhesion models and creep surfaces of Polach architecture were constructed based on the test data under the axle load of the CR450 high-speed train, providing an important reference for the application of test results and subsequent analysis.


