ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Construction and Mechanical/Tribological Properties of Ordered Fiber Reinforced Hydrogel

  • 摘要: 水凝胶具有高含水量、优异的渗透性和生物相容性,被广泛应用于生物医学领域. 但传统水凝胶的结构单一,力学强度和润滑性能无法同时满足,对于更恶劣条件要求的高强韧水凝胶,例如软骨和皮肤的替代品仍然是1个很大的挑战. 因此本研究中通过分子网络设计,结合温度场诱导定向和纤维增强技术,开发1种高含水、高强度、低摩擦和抗疲劳的有序结构增强3PC-C gel,该水凝胶具有交错有序取向的蜂窝状网络结构,孔隙致密,表现出显著的力学结构增强效果,其压缩强度为10.1 MPa、压缩模量为7.5 MPa、拉伸强度为11.4 MPa、拉伸模量为28.6 MPa、断裂韧性为34 MJ/m3. 此外交错有序的网络结构和CF为液相的挤出提供良好的通道,为摩擦表面供给润滑,降低摩擦,其滑动摩擦系数为0.038,相对于不定向3PC-C gel (0.046)降低了18%. 且摩擦系数表现出随载荷的增加,先减小后增大,随滑动速度的增加逐渐减小的趋势. 同时有序结构增强3PC-C gel还表现出优异的抗裂纹扩展和抗压缩疲劳性能,以及更优的摩擦学稳定性,在经历100万次疲劳压缩后,其压缩应变仅降低了1.9% (14.0%-15.9%),应变值明显低于不定向水凝胶不定向3CF (18.5%~20.8%)和0CF水凝胶(21.1%~22.24%),这也进一步验证了CF、交错有序结构显著增强了复合水凝胶的机械耗散、自恢复和动态承载能力. 综上,有序结构增强3PC-C gel具有更高的机械强度和更优的摩擦学性能,可以拓展水凝胶在生物医学、软材料设备领域中的新兴应用.


    Abstract: Hydrogels with high water content, excellent permeability and biocompatibility are widely used in the biomedical field. However, traditional hydrogels often present a trade-off between mechanical strength and lubrication performance, making it challenging to meet the stringent demands of high-toughness applications, such as substitutes for cartilage and skin. In this study, a kind of ordered structure reinforced 3PC-C gel with high water content, high strength, low friction and fatigue resistance was developed through molecular network design, combined with temperature field induced orientation and fiber reinforcement technology. This hydrogel featured a staggered, orderly oriented honeycomb network structure with dense porosity, exhibiting significant enhancements in mechanical properties: a compressive strength of 10.1 MPa, compressive modulus of 7.5 MPa, tensile strength of 11.4 MPa, tensile modulus of 28.6 MPa and fracture toughness of 34 MJ/m3. Furthermore, the orderly staggered network structure and the inclusion of CF provided efficient channels for liquid extrusion, supplying lubrication to the friction surfaces and reducing the coefficient of friction to 0.038—a reduction of 18% compared to the unoriented 3PC-C gel (0.046). And the friction coefficient exhibited a trend of decreasing first and then increased with increased load and progressively reduced with increased sliding speed. Moreover, the enhanced structured 3PC-C gel also demonstrated excellent resistance to crack propagation and compressive fatigue, along with improved tribological stability. After enduring one million fatigue compression cycles, its compressive strain only reduced by 1.9% (14.0%-15.9%), significantly lower than that of unoriented hydrogels unoriented 3CF (18.5%~20.8%) and 0CF 3PC-C gel (21.1%~22.24%). These results further validated that the CF and the staggered orderly structure significantly enhance the mechanical energy dissipation, self-recovery, and dynamic load-bearing capacity of the composite hydrogel. In conclusion, the ordered structure reinforced 3PC-C gel, with its superior mechanical strength and tribological performance, presented promising new applications in biomedicine and soft material devices.


