ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



A Large-Range Ultrasonic Phase Method for Oil Film Thickness Measurement Considering the Temperature Influence

  • 摘要: 润滑油膜厚度是表征摩擦学元件润滑状态的关键性能指标,由于所处空间的密闭性以及尺度的微小性,润滑油膜厚度的精确测量极具挑战. 传统基于超声波在润滑油膜层上反射信号幅值的膜厚测量方法采用单个传感器存在测量盲区,限制了膜厚超声检测方法在工业中的应用. 本研究中发展了1种基于超声波在润滑油膜层上反射信号相位的膜厚测量方法,该方法可以消除传统膜厚超声幅值检测方法在弹簧模型法与共振法之间存在的测量盲区,实现膜厚大范围测量. 系统分析了温度对相位膜厚测量精度的影响并开发了相应的补偿方法,设计搭建了温度可控的高精度膜厚测量校验台,开展了等温与变温条件下的校验试验. 试验结果表明:在等温条件下相位膜厚测量方法的最大测量误差小于8%,在变温条件下温度的改变将明显影响相位法膜厚检测的精度,考虑温度的影响对超声反射信号进行相位补偿以及声学参数补偿将显著降低相位法测量误差,最大测量误差小于20%,本研究的工作可进一步丰富膜厚超声测量方法并为膜厚超声测量的工程应用提供参考.


    Abstract: The oil film thickness is a key parameter for indicating the lubrication condition in tribological elements. However, limited by the confined location space and the tiny scale of the oil film, it is a big challenge for the accurate oil film thickness measurement. For the traditional ultrasonic oil film thickness measurement method, which utilizes the amplitude of the reflected signal from the oil layer, there is normally a blind zone when using a single ultrasonic sensor which severely limits the applications in industry. In this paper, a large-range ultrasonic oil film thickness measurement method based on the phase of the reflected signal from the oil layer was developed, this method was able to eliminate the measurement blind zone between the spring model measurement zone and the resonance measurement zone, and achieved a wide range of oil film thickness measurement. The influence of the temperature on the measurement accuracy of this method was analyzed and the compensation methods were proposed. The temperature could affect the measurement accuracy of the oil film thickness phase measurement method by changing both the phase of the reference signal and the acoustic parameters of the mediums. It was found that the phase of the reference signal change linearly as the temperature and a linear curve which was fitted by the phase of the reference signals with different temperatures could be constructed to compensate and eliminate the influence of the temperature on the phase of the reference signal. For the influence of the change of the acoustic parameters induced by the temperature, the measurement errors caused by the change of sound velocity in mediums were much bigger that than caused by the change of medium density. And among the three mediums constructed the oil film, the measurement errors caused by the change of the oil density and the sound velocity were the biggest, which reached 3.8% and 11.4% respectively. A calibration rig which consisted of ultrasonic measurement module, oil film formation module, oil film calibration module, and temperature control module was built to verify the accuracy of the proposed method under constant temperature and varying temperatures. The measured results was compared with both the set values and that obtained by the capacitance sensor. The test results indicated that the measurement error of the developed method was less than 8% under constant temperature, the temperature change would deteriorate the measurement precision and the measurement precision could be improved effectively with the temperature compensation method developed in this paper, decreasing the maximum measurement error down to 20% under varying temperatures. Furthermore, the proposed measurement method exhibited a good robustness under various temperatures. This paper could provide an effective ultrasonic measurement method for large range oil film thickness with single ultrasonic sensor. It also could enrich the ultrasonic oil film thickness measurement method and provide a reference for engineering applications.


