ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Property of Benzotriazole Ionic Liquids Lubricants for Titanium Alloys

  • 摘要: 采用5-甲基-1H-苯并三氮唑作为阴离子,以四丁基磷和四丁基铵盐为阳离子,设计合成2种新型离子液体(5CP和5CN). 选取传统离子液体1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑六氟磷酸盐(L-P104)作为对照样,研究了3种离子液体(ILs)的物理化学性质及其在钢/钛摩擦副上的润滑性能. 耗散型石英晶体微天平测试结果表明:所合成的离子液体润滑剂在钛合金上表现出卓越的吸附性能. 摩擦学试验结果表明:所合成的离子液体在钢/钛摩擦副上表现出优异的减摩(摩擦系数减小60%)和抗磨性能(钛合金磨损体积降低69%). 其润滑性能的提升主要归因于离子液体在钛合金表面的高效吸附和界面润滑保护膜的形成. 此外,苯并三氮唑阴离子结构中的刚性环结构能与钛合金表面络合成键,同时四丁基铵/磷阳离子上的柔性烷基链通过范德华力有效地增强了摩擦膜的稳定性.


    The unique structural properties of titanium alloys make the design and development of lubricating materials that applied on titanium alloy surfaces challenging. Ionic liquid (IL) lubricants with high reactivity and controllable performance provide a solution for improving the lubrication performance of titanium alloy interfaces. Herein, two novel ILs (5CP and 5CN) were prepared by using 5-methyl-1H benzotriazole as anion, which was equipped with tetrabutylphosphine and tetrabutylamine as cations, respectively. Then, the traditional IL L-P104 was used as a reference sample, and three ILs were used as lubricants to apply to the steel/titanium alloy interface. The results of physicochemical properties and tribological performance test showed that the synthesized IL lubricants exhibited superior friction-reducing and anti-wear properties on the titanium alloy surface. For IL lubricants, polar adsorption and tribochemical reactions were crucial to the enhancement of the lubrication stability.
    In terms of physicochemical properties, the kinematic viscosity of 5CP and 5CN was significantly higher than that of L-P104. Among them, 5CN behaved the largest kinematic viscosity. Their appropriate viscosity value was also conducive to resist internal friction in the shear process to a certain extent. The thermal stability of 5CP/5CN was not as good as that of L-P104, but the thermal decomposition temperature of 5CP and 5CN exceeded 169 °C, implying that the ILs had a certain stability during friction. Furthermore, the adsorption properties of ILs on the titanium chips surface were investigated through the acquisition of adsorption change (∆f) and dissipation (∆D) value. Compared with the control sample L-P104, the ∆f and ∆D of the IL lubricant on the titanium chip were larger, indicating that the highly polar IL could adsorb efficiently on the titanium alloy surface. Besides, the adsorption performance results indicated that 5CP/5CN form a stable flexible adsorption layer at titanium alloy interface. This stable adsorption lays the foundation for its excellent tribological properties.
    The tribological test results showed that L-P104 lubricant behaved the poor lubrication, while 5CP and 5CN could effectively reduce friction (the friction coefficient was reduced by 60 %). And the lubrication effect of 5CN was stronger than that of 5CP. The load-bearing performance was obviously improved by the reduction of 69% for wear volume, and the wear surface was enhanced by the detection of surface morphology and element distribution. 5CP and 5CN could effectively reduce the abrasive wear of the titanium alloy interface. And the C element content on the worn surface of titanium alloy after 5CP/5CN lubrication was significantly higher than that of the surface after L-P104 lubrication. The elements of C, N and Ti appeared at the steel ball surface, which indicated that the transfer film may exist in the test ball surface. By means of XPS analysis of the worn surface, it was recommended that the synthesized ILs forms a tribochemical reaction film on the sliding interface of titanium alloy. Besides, the improvement of lubrication performance was attributed to the efficient adsorption of ILs on the surface of titanium alloy and the formation of interfacial lubrication protective film. In addition, the rigid ring structure in the benzotriazole anion structure could complex with the titanium alloy surface, and the flexible alkyl chain on the tetrabutylammonium/phosphorus cations effectively enhanced the stability of tribofilm through van der Waals force.


