ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Contact Behavior of Soft-Hard Contact Interface under Mechanical Stress Conditions

  • 摘要: 针对机械受压作用下软物质表面发生的较大且动态的变形对其摩擦学性能有重要的影响,搭建了1套原位光学测量系统,对软-硬组合接触表面的接触力学行为进行原位观察和精准测量. 选用陶瓷球作为硬质压头,表面镀有1层聚二甲基硅氧烷(以下简称PDMS)的玻璃圆盘作为柔顺的软对偶和光学观察窗口,利用高速相机全程记录了机械加载、保持载荷和卸载过程中软-硬作用界面的动态接触和变形行为,实现了具有微米级精度的接触直径和纳米级精度的压痕深度的同步测量,对软接触表面在时间和空间上发生形变的过程完成了可视化测量. 研究结果有助于理解软-硬机械作用界面的复杂接触力学行为和软物质表面的摩擦特性和润滑机制.


    Abstract: The big and dynamic surface deformation of soft material under mechanical stress has an important influence on its tribological properties. Different from traditional hard-hard contact interfaces, the contact mechanic behavior is more complex due to the nonlinearity of the ontological relations of soft matter materials. Since the bigger and dynamic surface deformation happens on soft material surface when subjected to the same load, compared with hard contact material, the interface contact behavior mechanism under compressive shear conditions is still unclear. Therefore, it is very necessary to study the contact behavior on soft matter surface under mechanical pressure conditions, for further insight the tribological property and lubrication mechanism of the soft materials by constructing a bionic soft contact model interface and in-situ observing the contact mechanic behavior. In view of the characteristics of bigger deformation size, high speed of surface deformation and large surface energy dissipation of soft contact interface, the optical system of the point contact was designed and built, in order to realize the observation and measurement of large-size deformation area (contact diameter of mm order), and at the same time, it can track in situ in a very short time. Considering the difficulty, variability and ethical issues in obtaining biological tissues, researchers generally choose elastomers as models to carry out related basic research. Among them, cross-linked polydimethylsiloxane (hereinafter referred to as PDMS) is widely used in biological simulations due to its mechanical properties similar to human tissue, easy manufacturing, physiological inertness, low cost, and good thermal and oxidative stability surface. In this study, the soft contact interface consists of a smooth hard ball and a transparent glass disc coated with an elastic soft cushion layer. Firstly, a high-speed camera was used to record the entire deformation process, and then the acquired image sequence was systematically analyzed to draw the change curves of the contact diameter and the indentation depth with time.The measurement results showed that the contact diameter of the deformation area increased with the increase of load and ranged from 1.01 to 2.21 mm. By comparing these curves of the measured value of contact radius α3 with the predicted value of Hertzian contact theory, it was found that the Hertz contact model no longer accurately predicted the contact radius, therefore a new contact theory model for soft-coated materials needed to be developed based on experimental results, e.g. a modified Hertzian theory model. Simultaneous measurement of contact diameter with micron-level accuracy and indentation depth with nanometer-level accuracy had been achieved during the mechanical loading, holding load and unloading processes, the visual measurement of deformation occurring on soft contact surfaces both in time and space had been realized. The change of the surface contact contour over time further described the entire deformation process the mechanical response speed of the PDMS film along the normal load direction and in the radial direction was inconsistent, and the former was faster. The results would like to contribute to the understanding of the complex contact mechanical behavior of soft-hard interacting interfaces and the tribological performance and lubrication mechanisms of soft material surfaces.


