ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



A Study on the Difference of Stable Flight Posture of Chinese Men Ski Jumpers Based on CFD Simulation Technology

  • 摘要: 探讨中国运动员同世界顶级水平运动员在稳定飞行姿态上的技术差异与不足. 研究记录8名中国运动员、8名日本运动员以及10名欧洲运动员的成绩及相关运动学参数,视频解析获得稳定飞行人/板姿态角度参数. 建立具备项目特征的人/板系统精细化模型,应用CFD仿真技术对比稳定飞行人/板系统的气动特性差异. 结果表明:中国运动员早期形成稳定飞行姿态及后期维持稳定飞行姿态的速度明显慢于欧洲、日本运动员,以至于在跳跃距离上表现出较大的水平差距(P<0.01);中国运动员稳定飞行时髋角度较小,偏小范围为4°~8°;踝角度较大,偏大范围为7°~11°,身体姿态不够舒展;身体与雪板之间的角度较大,身体姿态不够前倾;中国运动员在稳定飞行时后方的回流涡强度较大,流线较为紊乱且密集,获得的总升力较小,特别是身体升力,而总阻力较大,以至于升阻比较小,整体气动特性效果较差. 研究发现中国运动员成绩上的较大差距主要是由不合理的飞行姿态造成的,这种人/板姿态上的差异会直接影响稳定飞行时的气动特性效果.


    In view of the current development process of ski jumping in China, it is imperative to find out the technical differences and deficiencies between Chinese athletes and the world 's top athletes. Therefore, this study focuses on the stable flight posture that directly affects the jump distance. Based on the performance of elite athletes in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics ski jumping and Nordic Combined competitions, the performance and technical characteristics of athletes are compared from the perspective of kinematics. At the same time, a refined model of athlete/ski system with the characteristics of ski jumping is established, and CFD technology is used to compare the aerodynamic characteristics of athletes in stable flight posture from the perspective of aerodynamics. It aims to provide a theoretical basis for the technical improvement of Chinese athletes, the training guidance of coaches and the preparation for the 2026 Milan Winter Olympics.
    Performance and related kinematic parameters of 8 Chinese athletes, 8 Japanese athletes and 10 European athletes were recorded, including take-off speed (m/s), AT 30M speed (speed at 30 m flight distance, m/s), ski V-shaped angle ski angles at 30 m flight distance, (°), landing speed (m/s), and jump distance (m). Stable flight athlete/ski posture angles parameters were obtained through Simi Motion video analysis. Then through the UG NX 11.0 modeling software, the athlete/ski system was finely modeled, and the solid model with the characteristics of the ski jumping (goggles, skis, holders) and the body shape characteristics (face, fingers, muscles). Simcenter STAR-CCM + 2019.3 simulation software was used to calculate the CFD simulation of the athlete/ski system model. The Reynolds time-averaged method was used to simulate and compare the aerodynamic characteristics of the stable flight athlete/ski system.
    The results proved that: (1) the speed of Chinese athletes to form a stable flight posture in early phase and maintain a stable flight posture in later phase was significantly slower than that of European and Japanese athletes, so that there was a large level gap in jumping distance (P<0.01); (2) Chinese athletes did not have enough hip extension and ankle dorsiflexion activities in stable flight, and the angle between the body and the ski was large, the posture was not forward enough; (3) the back-flow vortex behind the Chinese athletes was strong, the streamline was disordered and dense in stable flight, the total lift obtained was small, especially the body lift, and the total drag was large, so that the lift-drag ratio was small, and the overall aerodynamic characteristics effect was relatively poor.
    The study found that the large level gap in the performance of Chinese athletes was mainly caused by unreasonable athlete/ski flight posture, which directly affected the aerodynamic characteristics in stable flight. It was suggested that Chinese ski jumping coaches and athletes should pay attention to the existing technical differences and deficiencies, and strengthen the muscle strength of the main V-shaped flight techniques such as the trunk extensors and ankle dorsiflexion muscle group in daily training. When flying in the air, the hip angle was increased by 4°~8°, the ankle angle was reduced by 7°~11°, the distance between the athlete and ski was reduced as much as possible, and a stable flight posture with more stretch and forward inclination was formed to obtain better aerodynamic characteristics and improve the performance of Chinese athletes.


