ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Properties of Typical NiAlCoCrFeTi Series High Entropy Superalloys

  • 摘要: 采用真空电弧熔炼技术制备了NiAlCoCrFeTi (HESA-1)和NiAlCoCrFeTiTaMoW (HESA-2)这2种典型的高熵高温合金,研究了其微观组织、力学性能和25~900 ℃的摩擦学性能. 结果表明:2种合金均由无序面心立方晶格(FCC)结构的γ相和有序FCC结构的γ´相组成;γ相使该合金具有良好的塑性和韧性,γ´相赋予其较高的强度和硬度. 25~900 ℃,2种合金的摩擦系数和磨损率均随温度的升高而呈下降趋势. 25 ℃时,磨损机制主要为磨粒磨损,摩擦系数较大且磨损率较高. 400 ℃以上时,在摩擦氧化和热氧化的作用下,磨痕表面开始形成1层不连续的氧化物釉质层,摩擦系数和磨损率均有所降低. 当温度达到900 ℃时,磨痕表面上形成了1层光滑且致密的氧化物釉质层,该釉质层具有良好的减摩抗磨作用,使HESA-1和HESA-2这2种合金的摩擦系数分别降至0.26和0.25,磨损率分别降至13.3×10−6 和8.0×10−6 mm3/(N·m). 在高温摩擦过程中,合金表面的Al、Cr、Ni和Co等元素在摩擦热和环境热的共同作用下发生氧化并形成1层致密的氧化物釉质层,使2种合金均具有优良的高温摩擦学性能. 高温下,含难熔金属元素的HESA-2合金具有更高的强度和硬度,使其高温抗磨损性能优于HESA-1合金.


    Abstract: Two typical high entropy superalloys (HESAs), namely NiAlCoCrFeTi (HESA-1) and NiAlCoCrFeTiTaMoW (HESA-2) were prepared by vacuum arc melting technology. Their microstructures, mechanical properties and tribological properties from 25 to 900 ℃ were studied. The results showed that both of the HESAs were composed of γ phase with disordered face-centered cubic (FCC) structure and γ´ phase with ordered FCC structure. The γ phase rendered the HESAs with good ductility and fracture toughness, and the γ´ phase made the HESAs had high hardness and strength. From 25 to 900 ℃, the friction coefficients and wear rates of the HESAs decreased obviously with increasing temperature. At 25 ℃, the main wear mechanism was abrasive wear, which made the HESAs have larger friction coefficients and higher wear rates. Above 400 ℃, under the combined action of friction induced oxidation and thermal oxidation, a few discontinuous oxide glaze layers were formed on the worn surfaces of the HESAs, which made the friction coefficients and wear rates decreased significantly. At 900 ℃, a lot of dense oxide glaze layers were formed on the worn surfaces, which played an important role in decreasing the friction coefficients and wear rates. The friction coefficients were reduced to 0.26 and 0.25, respectively, and the wear rates of the HESA-1 and the HESA-2 were reduced to 13.3×10−6 and 8.0×10−6 mm3/(N·m), respectively. Due to the combined effect of friction induced oxidation and thermal oxidation, the active elements such as Al, Cr, Ni and Co on the surfaces of the HESAs formed a lot of dense oxide glaze layers on the worn surfaces, which made the HESAs have good high-temperature tribological properties. At high temperatures, the wear resistance of the HESA-2 containing refractory metal elements was better than that of the HESA-1, which mainly due to the HESA-2 had higher high-temperature hardness than HEAS-1.


