ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Rare Earth on the Micro-Pitting Behavior in Rolling Contact Fatigue of GCr15 Bearing Steel

  • 摘要: 机床轴承的服役性能与各部件间的摩擦学行为紧密相关,微点蚀是轴承发生精度寿命失效时在滚道表面出现的典型损伤. 本文中采用球棒试验研究了油润滑时不同接触疲劳循环周次下稀土/普通GCr15轴承钢的滚动摩擦学行为. 结果表明:不管是稀土GCr15轴承钢还是普通GCr15轴承钢,微点蚀的数量随着接触疲劳循环周次的增加而增加;不同的是,稀土GCr15轴承钢的微点蚀不仅浅而且较小较圆,普通GCr15轴承钢的微点蚀不仅深而且容易成片出现. 开展的轴承台架试验也发现稀土轴承和普通轴承存在同样的微点蚀行为差别. 从轴承钢的组织结构和碳化物方面讨论了稀土对微点蚀的影响,添加稀土使GCr15轴承钢中碳化物均匀地分布在基体中,有效地减少了液析碳化物的析出和大量网状碳化物的出现,从而降低了GCr15轴承钢在滚动接触疲劳中微点蚀的产生.


    Abstract: The service performance of the machine tool bearing is closely related to the tribological behavior of the bearing’s each component. At present, the precision life of precision machine tool bearings is concerned. Micro-pitting is a typical damage on the raceway surface when the bearing precision life expires. Rare earth resources are very rich in our country and widely used in bearing steel. Its inclusion in steel has a role in purifying liquid steel, microalloying and metamorphic inclusions. In this paper, the rolling contact fatigue test between rare earth/common GCr15 bearing steel and Si3N4 ceramic ball was carried out by using the ball-type rolling contact fatigue testing machine under the condition of oil lubrication. After different cycles of tests, the distribution, size and depth of the micro-pitting corrosion on the surface of the wear marks of the test bearing steel rod were characterized and analyzed, and the effect of the addition of rare earth on the micro-pitting behavior of GCr15 bearing steel during rolling contact fatigue was discussed. At the same time, in addition to the contact fatigue test of the ball rod, the bench test of the bearing was also carried out, and the micro-pitting corrosion of the bearing ring surface was studied after the test. The results showed that the micro-pitting amount increased with the increase of rolling contact cycles, whether it was rare earth GCr15 bearing steel or common GCr15 bearing steel. The difference was that the micro pittings of rare earth GCr15 bearing steel were not only shallower but also smaller and round, while the micro-pittings of common GCr15 bearing steel were not only deeper but also easier to appear in pieces. Also, the bearing bench test was carried out. The same micro-pitting behavior difference was found between rare earth bearing and common bearing. The effect of rare earth addition on micro-pitting behavior was discussed from the aspect of microstructure and carbide of bearing steel. In the microstructure of ordinary GCr15 bearing steel, mesh carbides and liquid evolution carbides were easy to appear, and there were carbides with uneven distribution and large size. The addition of rare earth made the carbides in GCr15 bearing steel more uniformly distribute in the matrix, effectively reduced the precipitation of liquid precipitation carbides and the appearance of a large number of networks carbides, and thus reduced micro-pitting failure of GCr15 bearing steel in rolling contact fatigue. Finally, using the finite element analysis, the formation mechanism of micro-pitting was discussed. In the process of experiment, the micro convex body contact and the uneven distribution of carbide under the effect of the contact stress leaded to the maximum shear stress concentration. As a result, micro cracks nucleated under the micro convex body and carbide, as the test progressed, the micro cracks extended slowly. When the test was stopped, the micro convex body and carbide fell off and formed micro-pitting.


