ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4


V2AlC MAX相涂层的宽温域摩擦学性能研究

Tribological Property of V2AlC MAX Phase Coating Over Wide Temperature Range

  • 摘要: MAX相涂层是一类兼具陶瓷和金属性能的层状结构材料,具有优异的抗氧化和抗腐蚀性能,同时M位元素丰富,在宽温域摩擦过程中生成具有润滑作用的M基氧化物,受到广泛关注. 本文中选择可生成V基Magnéli润滑相的V2AlC体系,采用电弧复合磁控溅射技术结合后续热处理制备高纯V2AlC MAX相涂层,并系统研究该涂层在室温~700 ℃宽温域下的摩擦磨损机理. 研究发现,涂层在300和500 ℃时摩擦形式主要以黏着磨损和磨粒磨损为主. 当环境温度高于600 ℃时,V的外扩散和氧化导致涂层表面生成层状V2O5润滑相,在600 ℃时形成连续的润滑膜,从而使V2AlC涂层具有最佳的摩擦学性能. 同时,保留的V2AlC主相在摩擦过程中起承载作用,降低涂层的磨损率.


    MAX phase coating with laminar structure possesses the superior combination of ceramics and metals. Particularly, the rich M-position elements in MAX phase can be oxidized easily to form the lubricating phase at high temperature friction, which makes it a promising self-adaptive lubrication, excellent oxidation and corrosion resistance over a wide temperature range. In this study, the dense V2AlC MAX phase coating was successfully fabricated by arc/sputtering hybrid deposition technology and post-annealing.
    The V2AlC MAX phase coatings were fabricated on nickel-base superalloy substrates (Φ30 mm×3 mm) using a home-made combined arc/sputter equipment, followed by vacuum annealing. The rectangular aluminum target (mass fraction: 99.9%; 400 mm×100 mm×7 mm) and the circular vanadium target (mass fraction: 99.9%; Φ128 mm×15 mm) were applied as sputtering source and cathode arc source, respectively. All eight substrates were suspended on a pre-fixed rack by iron wire and apart 3 cm. Prior to deposition, the chamber was evacuated to a base pressure of 1.5×10−3 Pa to eliminate air, and then the chamber was heated to 100 ℃. To improve the adhesion strength, all substrates were pre-etched by Ar+ bombardment for 60 min, and then a V interlayer (thickness of ~1 000 nm) was deposited by pure arc technology. During V-Al-C coatings deposition, the reactive gas of CH4 and Ar (flow rate ratio: Ar/CH4 = 5/40) to keep a total pressure of 1.3 Pa. To ensure all substrate surface were coated uniformly, the substrates were rotated on their axis in the front of Al targets with a target-substrate distance of 5 cm. During deposition, the power of V and Al targets was kept at 17 W and 3.2 kW, respectively. Substrate negative bias voltage of -200 V was applied to the substrate during both etching and deposition processes. After deposition, a post-annealing treatment was applied to transform the V-Al-C coating to V2AlC MAX phase coating at the condition of 750 ℃ and 2.0×10−2 Pa for 1 h.
    Subsequently, the friction behavior and the wear mechanism were focused over a wide temperature range from 25 ℃ to 700 ℃. The results showed that V2AlC coating has serious shear deformation at 25 ℃ to 300 ℃, and wear failure was mainly caused by abrasive wear. The main friction failure at 500 ℃ was dominated by adhesion wear and abrasive wear, and the top layer of the coating showed signs of oxidation. However, when the temperature was beyond 600 ℃, the diffusion and oxidation of V element occurred and the layered V2O5 lubricating phase emerged, which favored the significant reduction of friction coefficient, and the wear type was mainly oxidation wear. As a result, the V2AlC coating presented both the low wear rate and excellent tribological properties at high temperature of 600 ℃. At 700 ℃, the oxidation degree of the coating increased, and the oxidation wear was the main reason for the lubrication failure of the coating. It was worth noting that V2AlC coating had poor lubrication performance in the low and medium temperature range. The low shear oxide V2O5 lubricating phase formed at 600 ℃ was the key to maintaining low friction and wear and long-term stability of the coating. However, V element was easily oxidized at high temperature, which limited the protection application of V2AlC coating at higher temperatures.


