ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4


Inconel 718激光熔覆合金层切向微动磨损特性研究

Tangential Fretting Wear Characteristics of Inconel 718 Laser Melting Alloy Layer

  • 摘要: 采用激光熔覆沉积技术制备Inconel 718合金试样,通过自主研制的多功能复合微动摩擦磨损试验机,在平面/球的点接触模式下进行切向微动磨损试验,探究合金试样在不同法向载荷和不同位移幅值下的磨损特性. 试验结束后,对获得的摩擦力-位移曲线、摩擦系数曲线和耗散能等结果进行详细的动力学特性分析,再采用扫描电子显微镜和三维形貌仪对磨损表面及磨痕截面进行微观分析,得到其磨损形貌及主要的磨损机制. 结果表明:当位移幅值不变时,随着法向载荷的增加,微动运行状态由完全滑移区转变成混合区,材料的磨损损伤逐渐加剧,微动磨损导致的能量耗散增加;随着位移幅值增加,材料的磨损损伤同样加剧;微动磨损区域出现裂纹的萌生和扩展现象,其主要的磨损机制为疲劳磨损、氧化磨损和磨粒磨损.


    Abstract: As a new method of components damage repair, laser cladding deposition technology has been widely used in the repair of aeroengine turbine blades. Turbine blade is the key component of aero-engine power energy device, fretting wear is one of the main reasons for its fracture failure. Therefore, exploring the fretting damage characteristics of laser cladding deposited nickel base alloy is great significance to the safe service of repaired aeroengine. In this study, the tangential fretting wear tests were carried out by using the self-developed multi-functional composite fretting wear tester under the point contact mode of ball-on-flat. The fretting wear characteristics of the Inconel718 alloy samples prepared by laser cladding deposition under different normal loads (Fn =10, 25, 50 N) and different displacement amplitudes (D=100, 200 μm) were investigated. After the tests, the dynamic characteristics of the obtained friction displacement curve, friction coefficient curve and dissipated energy were analyzed in detail, and the main fretting mechanism of the sample in the process of fretting wear was obtained. The wear morphology of the surface and section of the sample were analyzed by scanning electron microscope, and the main damage and wear mechanism of the sample in the process of fretting wear were obtained. The micro element composition of the damaged area was analyzed by electronic energy spectrometer, and the fretting wear damage mechanism was further explored. The three-dimensional wear morphology of the sample was analyzed by three-dimensional profiler, and the wear volume of the wear mark was measured. The results show that when the displacement amplitude was 100 μm and the normal load was 10N, the friction force displacement curve was an obvious parallelogram shape, and the fretting wear running in the gross slip regime. When the displacement amplitude was 100 μm and the normal load increases to 25 N, the friction displacement curve showed the mutual transformation between ellipse and parallelogram, and the fretting wear was running in the mixed slip regime. As the same, when the displacement amplitude increased to 200 μm and the normal load reached 50 N, the friction displacement curve showed the conversion between ellipse and parallelogram, and the fretting wear was running in the mixed slip regime too. Under the same displacement amplitude, with the continuous increase of normal load, the fretting wear was running changed from gross slip regime to mixed slip, and the damage of materials were gradually aggravated. The integral area of the figure surrounded by the friction force displacement curve increased gradually, and the energy dissipation caused by fretting wear increased. The volume, width and depth of the wear scar increased gradually. The friction coefficient curve obtained in the fretting tests showed three stages: rising stage, falling stage and stabilizing stage. Moreover, when the normal load was constant, with the increase of displacement amplitude, the two contact bodies were more prone to relative slip and the wear damage of materials was intensified. The fretting damage evolution law of materials were changed with the continuous progress of fretting test. Firstly, the fretting damage zone appeared large peeling and massive wear debris, and with the initiation and propagation of cracks. As the test continue, the massive wear debris was peeled and broken, finally a large amounts of fine wear debris were formed. The main mechanisms of fretting wear of Inconel 718 alloy samples prepared by laser cladding deposition were fatigue wear, oxidation wear and abrasive wear.


