ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Corrosion-Wear Behavior of Polytetrafluoroethylene Reinforced Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramic Coatings

  • 摘要: 为了有效改善氧化铝胶黏陶瓷涂层的腐蚀磨损特性及摩擦学性能,将聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)添加到氧化铝胶黏陶瓷涂层中,从而改善其腐蚀磨损特性及摩擦学性能. 采用料浆法技术在A4钢基体表面制备了不同PTFE含量的胶黏陶瓷涂层,采用动电位极化曲线及电化学阻抗谱分析技术测试了不同组别胶黏陶瓷涂层耐腐蚀性能,利用材料表面性能综合测试仪分析了不同组别胶黏陶瓷涂层的摩擦学性能,并通过超景深三维显微镜表征了其腐蚀磨损形貌参数. 相较于未添加PTFE,添加质量分数为0.2% PTFE的氧化铝胶黏陶瓷涂层耐腐蚀性能最为优异. 当陶瓷涂层中PTFE的质量分数为0.2%时,A4钢表面涂层的腐蚀电流密度将从6.611×10−7 A/cm2降低至6.29×10−8 A/cm2,同时涂层的腐蚀电位将从2×10−3 V显著增加到8.9×10−2 V,主要归结于涂层CBPC2阻碍了O2及Cl渗透,使渗透路径更加曲折,抗电解质渗透能力较强. 与此同时,H2O分子难以扩散至腐蚀坑内,腐蚀坑内外形成的活化-钝化电偶腐蚀反应减弱. 此外,还阐明了腐蚀条件下PTFE增强胶黏陶瓷涂层摩擦磨损行为,涂层CBPC2表面更易形成氧化膜,氧化膜在阴极电位下的修复有助于降低摩擦系数,阴极极化将导致A4钢基底在腐蚀磨损过程中摩擦系数降低至0.4. 涂层CBPC2因其具有较强的腐蚀磨损抗力,摩擦副实际接触面积较小,磨损较浅(66.33 μm)和磨损率较低9×10−3 mm3/(N·m). 对氧化铝胶黏陶瓷涂层进行适量PTFE混合增强,胶黏陶瓷涂层的腐蚀磨损特性得到改善及摩擦学性能得以优化,所制备得到的氧化铝胶黏陶瓷涂层CBPC2在材料保护方面具有广阔的应用前景.


    Abstract: In order to effectively improve the corrosion-wear behavior and tribological properties of alumina chemically bonded phosphate ceramic coatings (CBPCs), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was used as the reinforcement to improve the corrosion-wear behavior and tribological properties of alumina CBPCs. CBPCs with different PTFE contents were prepared on the surface of A4 steel substrate by slurry method. The anti-corrosion property of CBPCs with different PTFE contents was tested by potentiodynamic dynamic polarization curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The tribological properties of CBPCs were analyzed by the comprehensive surface performance tester. The corrosion-wear morphology of alumina CBPCs was characterized by the super depth of field microscope. When the content of PTFE was 0.2%, alumina CBPCs had the best corrosion resistance, the corrosion current density of the alumina CBPCs decreased from 6.611×10−7 A/cm2 to 6.29×10−8 A/cm2, the corrosion potential of the alumina CBPCs increased from 2×10−3 V to 8.9×10−2 V. The results showed that CBPC2 could hinder the permeation pathway of O2 and Cl, CBPC2 made the permeation more circuitous. H2O had difficulty diffusing into corrosion pits, mainly depending on the formation of tortuous diffusion path and avoiding the galvanic corrosion between corrosive liquid and corrosion pits. Additionally, the influence of PTFE on friction and wear behavior of CBPCs under corrosive condition were clarified. CBPC2 could form oxidation film on the surface of the substrate easily, and the repair of oxidation film at cathode potential helped to reduce the friction coefficient. Cathodic polarization could decrease the friction coefficient of friction pair to 0.4 during corrosion-wear process. CBPC2 had the strong corrosion-wear deformation resistance to suppress the expansion of contact area, which caused the depth and wear rate of wear track decrease to 66.33 μm and 9×10−3 mm3/(N·m), respectively. Thus, the corrosion-wear behavior and tribological properties of alumina CBPCs were improved by mixing PTFE, the CBPC2 had great application prospects in materials protection.


