ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Accelerate Wear Test under Mixed Lubrication Condition Based on Dissipation Wear Model for Typical Mechanical Seal Pair

  • 摘要: 随着对产品可靠性和使用寿命要求的不断提高,对产品进行寿命测量试验的时间和经济成本不断提高. 因此,出现了加速寿命试验(ALT)及在此基础上的加速退化试验(ADT),通过高应力水平下的加速试验数据来估计产品正常应力水平下的可靠性和寿命. 磨损是一种典型的材料退化过程,已有大量的模型用于磨损定量预测,其中以耗散磨损模型的物理基础较为严谨. 采用标准摩擦磨损试验机,以典型机械密封配副材料9Cr18Mo/M234A0为对象,以面接触、混合润滑为条件,在试验验证耗散磨损模型的基础上,建立以熵增量作为磨损等效量的磨损加速模型. 通过长时间-低熵率和短时间-高熵率的等效磨损试验对基于耗散磨损模型的加速退化试验进行验证,并与基于Archard模型的加速试验方法对比. 研究结果表明基于耗散磨损模型的加速退化试验可通过10 min量级的磨损试验等效实现200 min量级的磨损试验,试验误差为2.22%,其他模拟时间最大相对误差为4.75%. 试验结果初步验证该加速方法的可行性和准确性.


    Abstract: The service life of products is significant for ensuring stable and reliable performance of these products, such as spacecraft, military equipment and electronic equipment. Such service life is generally evaluated by measuring the working duration of products before losing efficacy or breaking down through tests under the same working condition with the real working condition. However, with the rapid increasing improvements in reliability and of products, the service life of products had been lengthen remarkably, the corresponding time and financial costs of the conventional simulated products life tests were continuously increasing, and such costs were becoming too high to be accepted. On this basis, the concept of accelerated test was suggested as a potential solution in which appropriate equivalent of products service life should be selected. The tests were accelerated by adjusting the changing rate of the equivalent, so that the test durations were shortened under a certain equivalent. In 1980s, the Accelerate Life Test (ALT) and the Accelerate Degradation Test (ADT) based on ALT, which estimated the reliability and service life of products under common stress levels through the accelerate test data under higher stress levels were suggested. ALT and ADT were the most common accelerated test methods, in which the failure possibility function were regarded as the equivalent. In other accelerated tests, the selected equivalent also included surface topography and condition parameters. As for accelerated wear test, there were numerous models for quantitative prediction of wear, which was a typical form of the degradation process of materials, the equivalent of wear could be selected based on these quantitative wear models. This paper aimed to propose an accelerated wear test method based on an accurate quantitative wear model. The investigations were conducted based on friction and wear with experiment condition of surface contact and mixed lubrication by the standard apparatus for typical mechanical seal material pair 9Cr18Mo/M234A0. The structure of tested seal ring was modified to reduce temperature rise and strengthen the fluid dynamic pressure effect. In this paper, the accelerated wear model was established with the entropy increase as equivalent of wear, based on the dissipation wear model which considered the wear as an irreversible thermodynamic process. The dissipation wear model was verified with the mentioned seal pair, revealing a linear relationship between wear rate and entropy increase. By modifying the entropy increase rate under the same entropy increase, the wear test duration was shortened. On this basis, this accelerate wear model was verified with equivalent wear tests with long time/low entropy increase and short time/high entropy increase. This model was also compared with accelerate wear model based on Archard model. The result of which revealed that wear test of 200 min duration could be equally replaced by a wear test of 10 min duration with an error of 2.22%, and the maximum relative error of other time was 4.75%. The feasibility and the accuracy of this accelerate wear model was proved preliminarily by the test results of this study. Further investigation revealed that the wear mechanism was invariable during the tests in this paper.


