ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Rotation Speed on the Friction-Wear Characteristics of a Wet Multi-Disc Clutch during the Running-In Process

  • 摘要: 湿式多片离合器摩擦元件磨合过程对其使用寿命和工作品质有重要影响. 以铜基粉末冶金摩擦片和30CrMnSiA对偶片为研究对象,针对实车转速工况,使用SAE#2试验台进行湿式离合器循环接合试验. 从全局摩擦特性和瞬时摩擦波动性两方面对磨合过程进行研究,应用金相显微镜得到磨合前后摩擦表面微观形貌特征和磨损机理. 结果表明:转速的增加降低了磨合初期平均摩擦系数的下降速率及其随后的波动幅度;平均摩擦系数在低转速工况下呈现下降趋势,而高转速工况下呈现上升趋势. 虽然提高转速可获得平滑的摩擦表面,并降低瞬时摩擦波动幅度,然而转速过高时,摩擦界面较大温升会使其发生热塑性变形,从而使瞬时摩擦波动越来越剧烈. 低转速工况下,摩擦表面微凸体在界面匹配阶段发生严重剪切断裂,而后主要为塑性变形;高转速工况下,微凸体发生渐进式剪切同时伴随弹塑性变形.


    Abstract: The running-in process of the freshly manufactured friction components was of great significance to extend the service life of friction components and ensure the stable clutch operation. The effect of rotational speed on the friction and wear properties of the friction components was investigated in a wet multi-disc clutch. Based on actual speed range of the transmission, the running-in experiments of friction components were performed via the SAE#2 clutch tester. The friction discs and separator plates were made of copper-based powder metallurgy and 30CrMnSiA, respectively. The running-in evolutionary process was explored in terms of two aspects: the global friction performance and the instantaneous friction characteristics. Moreover, the friction surfaces before and after experiments were obtained to investigate the micro-morphology characteristics and wear mechanism by a metallurgical microscope. The main conclusions were as follows. The maximum values of the average friction torque and the average friction coefficient showed up at the beginning of the running-in process. Simultaneously, the maximum value of the average friction coefficient decreased with the increase of the rotational speed. At the early running-in process, the average friction coefficient gradually decreased and the corresponding decrease rate was reduced by increasing of the rotational speed; however, the average friction torque barely changed. Under the low rotational speed conditions, the average friction coefficient presented a downward trend and the fluctuation range was extremely large; on the contrary, under the high rotational speed conditions, the average friction coefficient showed an upward trend and the fluctuation range gradually became narrow. Additionally, the running-in process could be divided into two stages: the interface matching stage and the plastic deformation stage. Under low rotational speed conditions, the asperities were severely sheared due to the large contact pressure in the interface matching stage. As the rotational speed goes up, the increasing oil film reduced the actual contact pressure of asperities, which resulted in the decrease of asperities spalling; the asperities undergone progressive shearing along with elastic-plastic deformation throughout the entire running-in process. It should be highlighted that increasing the rotational speed would not prolong the interface matching stage, but could obtain a smooth friction surface. Accordingly, the fluctuation range of instantaneous friction was reduced during the clutch engagement process. Nevertheless, when the rotational speed was high enough, a dramatic temperature rise on the friction interface occurred, which changed the friction status and brought about the thermoplastic deformation. Therefore, the instantaneous friction fluctuation became more and more severe with the increase of clutch engagement cycles. This work not only extended our knowledge for the evolution of the running-in process of a wet multi-disc clutch, but also provided theoretical guidance to select an optimal running-in rotational speed.


