ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Feature Transfer-Based Approach for Tool Wear Monitoring of Face Milling

  • 摘要: 实时监测刀具磨损状态对保证工件加工质量和确定合理换刀时间至关重要. 数据驱动的多源信号融合预测是解决刀具磨损预测难题的可行方案. 本文中通过时域和频域分析提取了多维信号特征,并结合机器视觉方法处理刀具磨损图像获得的磨损特征,针对涂层面铣刀建立了随机森林磨损预测模型. 对于同类型的刀具和工件材料,使用特征迁移方法解决多工况场景下新刀样本不足问题. 试验结果表明,基于迁移特征建立的磨损预测模型对目标刀具的磨损量预测效果较迁移前显著提升,准确性评价指标R2决定系数从0.37提升到0.96. 基于特征迁移的磨损预测模型为数据驱动模型在刀具磨损预测和实时监测领域的应用提供参考依据.


    The tool wear plays a crucial role in determining the quality of the workpiece. Excessive tool wear results in a decrease in machining accuracy and speed and a decline in yield. At the same time, frequent tool changes increases costs and affects the processing speed as well. Therefore, it becomes essential to accurately determine the tool wear status to plan a reasonable tool change time and even further optimize the tool design. Data-driven wear prediction based on multi-sensor signal processing proves to be a feasible solution to this problem. However, the model trained in one working condition is usually not able to fit another condition well. Sometimes the tool wear characteristic may be a different even for the same kind of tool under the same working condition, limiting the practical application of this method in the industry. Furthermore, the acquisition of the tool wear ground truth generally relies on offline detection with the microscope, which leads to low efficiency of the data labeling.
    In response to the above problems, we conducted experiments on the wear prediction problem of face milling cutters based on the framework of tribological informatics. In this study, force/torque sensors, vibration sensors, and acoustic emission sensors were selected as the input sources for the training and predictions of tool wear models, recording the signals generated during the processing of the workpiece. Specifically designed filters firstly filtered the original signal to reduce the interference of non-cutting factors. A series of statistics from time and frequency domain analyses, e.g. the mean, variance, and extreme values, were then extracted as the signal features. To obtain the ground truth of the tool wear, a CMOS camera was installed on the machining platform capturing pictures of the wear position of the cutter. We proposed a machine vision-based tool wear recognition method. With the prior knowledge of the wear morphology of the face milling cutter, the method uses image preprocessing, Canny edge extraction, and region recognition to achieve in-situ tool wear acquisition and avoid frequent disassembly of the cutter. With features from multi-sensor signals and tool wear ground truth, a tool wear prediction model was then built and trained through the random forest regression method, verifying the feasibility of the data-driven wear prediction based on the multi-sensor signal.
    Further, to improve the prediction accuracy under different working conditions, we proposed a new wear prediction method based on feature transfer. We determine the one-to-one linear transfer equation between each feature in the history data and feature of the preliminary data of the current tool, by minimizing the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD). The MMD is also used as the evaluation function to judge the feature transfer quality and select well- transferred features. A new prediction model can then be trained with the well- transferred features from the history data and predict tool wear status for the remaining tool lifetime. Experiments results showed that the wear prediction model trained by data from one of the conditions cannot provide good predictions under the other two working conditions. In contrast, the model trained by transferred features can significantly improve the prediction accuracy. Specifically, the coefficient of determination (R-squared) increased from 0.37 to 0.96 by feature transfer, proving the effectiveness of the tool wear prediction method based on transfer learning proposed in this paper.


