ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Vacuum Current-Carrying Tribological Behavior of NbSe2 Coatings on Textured Surfaces

  • 摘要: 针对航天器滑动电接触部件特殊的真空载流服役要求,利用建立的真空载流摩擦试验平台,探索铜基材织构化表面喷涂NbSe2涂层作为空间新型导电润滑材料的可能性. 研究条状和网状不同织构以及各自在不同织构密度条件下喷涂NbSe2涂层的真空载流摩擦学性能和影响作用规律;对比现役电镀金涂层,探讨其在真空载流条件下摩擦学和电接触行为优势. 结果表明:网格状较条状织构表面喷涂NbSe2涂层的载流摩擦学性能更好,而且随织构密度的增加,减摩耐磨性能得到提高. 织构间距为200 µm的网格状织构表面喷涂的NbSe2涂层展现出最佳的真空载流摩擦学性能. 相较于现役的金电镀层,其在真空载流摩擦条件下展现出更加优异的摩擦学和电接触性能,摩擦系数由0.25降至0.05,接触电压与现役材料处于同一量级,电噪音波动明显改善,由0.09V降至0.04V.


    Abstract: With the development of equipment and the continuous improvement of service requirements, the service life and other properties of space conductive lubrication materials have been shown to be significantly inadequate. At present, most of the studies on current-carrying friction and wear have been carried out in the atmospheric environment. However, in the vacuum environment, the friction and wear of metal materials or two-dimensional layered materials are very different from those in the atmosphere. In this paper, according to the special vacuum current carrying service requirements of the sliding electric contact parts of spacecraft, the possibility of NbSe2 coating sprayed on the textured surface of copper substrate as a new conductive lubrication material was explored and studied by using the established vacuum current carrying friction test platform. Through a series of literature investigation, the stripe and mesh texture morphology were selected as the substrate for preparing the coating. The tribological properties and influence laws of NbSe2 coating sprayed with strip texture and mesh texture were studied under different texture densities. The vacuum current carrying tribological properties and influence law of spray NbSe2 coating with different texture morphology and different texture density were studied. The tribological and electrical contact behavior of textured surface sprayed niobium selenide coating under vacuum current carrying condition was investigated compared to active electric gold-plated coating. We hope to find a coating that maintains a low coefficient of friction and a stable current transmission in the harsh space environment while trying to replicate the actual conditions as much as possible. The results showed that the mesh texture was better than the strip texture coating effect, and with the increase of the texture density, the wear resistance of NbSe2 coating was improved. The NbSe2 coating sprayed on the surface with mesh texture with 200 µm micron texture spacing showed the best tribological performance in vacuum. The large density mesh texture stored the lubricant more effectively, so that the lubricant was continuously added to the sliding contact surface, forming a thin and uniform boundary lubrication film, which can not only play the role of effective lubrication, but also realize the efficient transmission of current by using the copper substrate groove edge and convex NbSe2 thin layer structure. Compared to the gold coating, the NbSe2 coating sprayed on the textualized surface exhibited better tribological and electrical contact properties under the condition of vacuum current-carrying friction. The friction coefficient decreased from 0.25 to 0.05. Although the contact voltage increased slightly at the same level, the electric noise fluctuation was significantly improved from 0.05 V to 0.02 V. This new material showed great advantages and application potential.


