ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



High Temperature Tribological Properties of CoCrFeNiNbx High-Entropy Alloy Coatings by Laser Cladding

  • 摘要: 采用激光熔覆技术成功制备了CoCrFeNiNbx (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0)高熵合金涂层,研究了Nb元素对高熵合金涂层微观组织和显微硬度的影响,分析了CoCrFeNiNb0.75涂层在25~800 ℃的摩擦磨损性能和机制. 结果表明:CoCrFeNiNbx高熵合金涂层主要由FCC (面心立方)相与具有HCP晶格结构的Laves相组成. 随着Nb摩尔含量的增加,CoCrFeNiNbx的微观组织由单一的胞状晶FCC固溶体相(x=0)向亚共晶组织(x=0.25)、共晶组织(x=0.5)和过共晶组织(x=0.75,1.0)逐步发生演变. CoCrFeNiNb0.75涂层具有最高的平均硬度(574 HV),表明适量的Nb元素的掺杂能有效提高涂层的显微硬度,这是固溶强化、第二相强化以及层片共晶组织中产生的大量新界面阻碍位错运动的边界强化相互作用的结果. CoCrFeNiNb0.75涂层在室温下的磨损机制主要为氧化磨损和轻微的磨粒磨损,而在400和800 ℃下均为氧化磨损. 在800 ℃时,磨损表面形成了致密的氧化物釉质层,起到了良好的减摩抗磨作用,使高熵合金在高温环境下表现出了优异的摩擦磨损性能.


    Abstract: High entropy alloys (HEAs) have been received more and more attention in recent years. Multi-components with equal or near-equal molar ratio are adopted to form solid solutions with severe lattice distortion in HEAs. This novel compositional design strategy provides the possibility to achieve the goal of balancing the high strength and high ductility, which is recognized as a challenge for traditional alloys. Also, HEAs have been considered as a novel kind of material for high-temperature applications due to their excellent mechanical properties, superb high-temperature stability and outstanding oxidation resistance. As a ductile HEA, CoCrFeNi alloy with a single FCC phase is investigated by many researches in terms of the microstructure and performances. However, the strength of CoCrFeNi HEA is low at high-temperature, and its high-temperature performances are not ideal, which limits its further application. According to the well-known cocktail effect, CoCrFeNi HEA was doped by the refractory element Nb for the purpose of improving its high-temperature properties in this work. CoCrFeNiNbx (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0) HEA coatings were successfully prepared on the surface of 45 steel by laser cladding technology. The phase composition and the microstructure of the HEA coatings were observed by X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscope equipped with energy disperse spectroscopy. The effect of Nb element on the phase composition and microstructural evolution of the HEA coatings were analyzed. The microhardness of the HEA coatings was measured by a Vickers hardness tester, and the effects of temperature on wear resistance and wear mechanism of the CoCrFeNiNb0.75 HEA coating were studied by a friction and wear tester. The results showed that the microstructure of CoCrFeNi HEA coating consisted of a single FCC phase, and Nb doping resulted in the formation of Laves phase with HCP lattice structure. As the Nb content increased, the volume fraction of Laves phase increased and the lattice constant of FCC phase increased first and then decreased. In addition, the microstructure of CoCrFeNiNbx coatings evolved from a single cellular FCC solid solution phase (x=0), to hypoeutectic structure (x=0.25), to eutectic structure (x=0.5), to hypereutectic structure (x=0.75, 1.0), and the primary phase in the HEA coatings changed from FCC solid solution phase to Laves phase. With the increase of Nb content, the microhardness of CoCrFeNiNbx increased remarkably first (x=0 to 0.75) and then maintained (x=0.75 to 1.0) at a high level, and the CoCrFeNiNb0.75 HEA coating had the highest average microhardness (574 HV), indicating that a proper amount of Nb doping effectively improved the microhardness of the coating. The improvement of microhardness was attributed to the interaction of solid solution strengthening, second phase strengthening, and a large number of new interfaces in the lamellar eutectic structure, which hindered the dislocation movement. The volume wear rate of the CoCrFeNiNbx HEA coating showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, reaching the maximum volume wear rate of 2.2×10−4 mm3/(N·m) at 400 ℃. The main wear mechanisms of CoCrFeNiNb0.75 HEA coating were oxidation wear and mild abrasive wear at room temperature , and oxidation wear at 400 ℃ and 800 ℃. The XPS results showed that the oxides at 800 ℃ on the worn surface of CoCrFeNiNb0.75 HEA coating were CoCrO4, NiCr2O4, CoO, Co3O4, Cr2O3, Fe2O3, NiO and Nb2O5. Because the oxides with high PBR (Pilling-Bedworth Ratio) were preferentially produced according to the calculation of Gibbs free energy, the oxide layer predisposed to breakup, limiting the wear resistance of the HEA coating at 400 ℃. Moreover, with the production and interaction of a large number of oxides, a dense oxide enamel layer formed on the wear surface at 800 ℃, which played a good role in reducing friction and anti-wear.


