ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Behavior of Nano-Modified NBR Materials in Sand Water-Lubricated Conditions

  • 摘要: 丁腈橡胶(NBR)是一种优异的水润滑减摩耐磨材料,但硬质颗粒的介入对其产生较大的材料损失. 利用硅烷偶联剂TESPT改性纳米SiO2颗粒,并填充至NBR基体,获得改性纳米SiO2/NBR标记为NBR-1. 改性后的纳米SiO2颗粒在NBR基体中均匀分散. 将纳米SiO2颗粒、微米SiO2颗粒填充至NBR基体标记为NBR-2、NBR-3作为对照组. 三种复合材料在武汉理工大学自制的SSB-100型摩擦磨损试验机上进行沙水润滑工况下的摩擦磨损试验. 结果表明:三种复合材料在沙水工况下摩擦系数均随载荷和转速的增加而下降. 在相同的载荷和转速条件下,NBR-1的摩擦性能最为优异. 对比三种材料的耐沙磨损性能,沙粒对NBR表面的磨损主要为犁沟磨损,NBR-2和NBR-3材料磨损量远远大于NBR-1,NBR-1材料更适用于含沙水区域.


    Abstract: Nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) is widely used in water-lubricated material because of its excellent anti-friction and wear-resistant performance. NBR is severely worn in water containing sand particles. Nano-SiO2 particles were modified by the silane coupling agent TESPT and filled into the NBR matrix, labeled as NBR-1. The modified nano-SiO2 particles were uniformly dispersed in the NBR matrix. The nano-SiO2 particles and micron SiO2 particles were filled into the NBR matrix, labeled NBR-2 and NBR-3 as the control group. The three composite materials were subjected to friction and wear tests under sand water-lubricated conditions on the SSB-100 tribo-tester made by Wuhan University of Technology. The results showed that the friction coefficient of the three composite materials decreased as the load and sliding velocity increased under sand water-lubricated conditions. NBR-1 had the best friction performance under the same working conditions. Comparing to the sand water-lubricated wear of the three materials, the wear of composite materials was mainly furrow wear. The material loss of NBR-2 and NBR-3 was much greater than that of NBR-1, and NBR-1 material was more suitable for sandy water areas.


