ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Wire Diameter on Friction and Wear Behavior of 316L Stainless Steel Wire

  • 摘要: 为探究金属橡胶微丝的最适直径,研究了不同载荷和速度条件下,金属橡胶不锈钢丝丝径对其小位移摩擦磨损行为影响的规律及机理,建立了磨损深度与丝径之间的定量关系来评定丝径对不锈钢丝摩擦磨损行为的影响. 结果表明:相同载荷、速度条件下,不同丝径实际接触面积的不同导致不锈钢丝的磨损深度随其丝径的增大而减小,且磨损深度随丝径的变化规律呈多项式曲线规律;而摩擦系数与其实际接触形貌和磨屑运动状态有关,不同的磨损状态导致了摩擦系数随丝径的增大而增大;探究表明改变载荷和速度并不影响丝径对不锈钢丝摩擦磨损行为的影响规律;但由于粗丝径试件间实际接触面积的稳定性,使得载荷和速度对粗丝试件的磨损深度、摩擦系数的影响要明显小于对细丝试件的影响.


    Abstract: In order to explore the optimal diameter of metal rubber stainless steel microwires, the effect law and mechanism of the diameter on the friction and wear behavior in small displacement oscillation under different loads and speeds were studied. And the quantitative relationship between the wear depth and the microwire diameter was established to evaluate the influence of the microwire diameter on the tribological behavior of the stainless steel microwire. The results showed that, under the same load and speed conditions, the wear depth of stainless steel wire decreased with the increase of wire diameter, which was due to the actual contact area of different wire diameters. The wear depth as a function of wire diameter was polynomial. The friction coefficients of stainless steel micro-wire increased with the increase of wire diameter, which was related to their actual contact morphology and wear debris movement state. Meanwhile, the load and speed had no influence of the wire diameter on the friction coefficient and wear depth of stainless steel wire. However, the stability of the actual contact area between the stainless wires with thick wire diameter made the impact of the load and speed on their wear depth and friction coefficient significantly smaller than that on the thin wire test pieces.


