ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Strong Acid Erosion on the Surface Modification and Wear Properties of Soda Iime Silica Glass

  • 摘要: 使用水接触角测量仪、红外光谱仪、纳米压痕仪和显微硬度计,探究了侵蚀处理时间对钠钙硅玻璃在强酸(pH=1,HCl溶液)和纯水侵蚀条件下机械化学性能的变化规律. 采用多功能往复式摩擦磨损试验机,以SiO2球为对摩副,分析了钠钙硅玻璃在不同侵蚀条件下的磨损行为. 研究发现:经去离子水侵蚀24和50 h后,钠钙硅玻璃的机械化学性能变化不明显,而经强酸侵蚀的钠钙硅玻璃的断裂韧性显著增大,但其纳米硬度、等效弹性模量、维氏硬度和在潮湿空气(RH=50%)下的磨损性能降低. 酸性液体对钠钙硅玻璃性能的影响与Na+析出后玻璃表面形成的侵蚀层密切相关. 与纯水环境相比,钠钙硅玻璃表层Na+在强酸侵蚀时更易被析出,表面化学结构变成“富SiO2”,同时玻璃表面变得更亲水,磨损过程产生的磨屑易于吸附在摩擦界面,从而导致界面磨损形式由摩擦化学磨损转化为黏着磨损,最终使钠钙硅玻璃的耐磨性降低.


    Abstract: Using water contact angle, Infrared spectroscopy, nano-indentation, and Vickers hardness instrument, the effects of HCl solution (pH=1) erosion on the surface modification and wear properties of soda lime silica (SLS) glass were investigated. The wear behavior of SLS glass was analyzed by rubbing against SiO2 ball upon a reciprocating tribometer. Experimental results indicated that the mechanochemical properties of SLS glass did not change after being corroded by deionized water for 24 h and 50 h. However, when corroded by a strong acid, the fracture toughness of SLS glass increased, accompanying with the decrease of the nano-hardness, reduced modulus, Vickers hardness and the wear-resistance in humid air (RH=50%). Further analyses indicated that the influence of acidic conditions on the mechanical and wear properties of SLS glass were related to the alternation layer upon the Na+ ions leaching out of glass surface. The leaching of Na+ ions in the strong acid conditions was more easily to occur, resulting in the formation of “SiO2-rich” layer. Since the glass surface became more hydrophilic after being corroded by strong acid, the wear debris can adsorb on the friction interface more easily during the wear process, this may change the wear mechanism from tribochemical wear into adhesive wear, resulting in the decrease of wear-resistance of SLS glass in humid air.


