ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Preparation of NbSe2/Ag Nanocomposite and Its Tribological Behavior as Lubricant Oil Additives for Mining Machinery

  • 摘要: 采用化学还原法成功制备出NbSe2/Ag纳米复合材料,即在NbSe2纳米片表面沉积1层纳米Ag颗粒. 采用UMT-2摩擦磨损试验机以及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)研究了NbSe2/Ag纳米复合材料添加到煤矿机械机用润滑油中的摩擦学行为. 结果表明:相比于纳米Ag颗粒和NbSe2,NbSe2/Ag纳米复合材料添加到润滑油中更加有效地改善了润滑油的润滑承载效果. NbSe2/Ag纳米复合材料所表现出最优良的摩擦学行为. 原因主要可能在于4个方面:第一,根据理论计算得出NbSe2、Ag和NbSe2/Ag纳米复合材料产生滑移的最大抗剪切强度按从小到大顺序排列为NbSe2/Ag纳米复合材料、Ag、NbSe2。NbSe2/Ag纳米复合材料抗剪切强度最小,润滑效果最好;第二,NbSe2/Ag纳米复合材料中的NbSe2由于纳米Ag负载相比于纯NbSe2具有更好的分散性,更利于形成完整均匀的润滑膜;第三,Ag质软润滑且弹性模量小,NbSe2/Ag纳米复合材料受到摩擦热以及剪切作用形成的润滑膜由于Ag的存在提高了脆性破坏能力,使得润滑膜在摩擦副上硬凸点的刮擦作用下不易破裂;第四,部分纳米Ag球状颗粒可能存在接触界面上有效的滚动,起到“微轴承”的作用从而降低摩擦系数. 然而,润滑油的润滑效果与所添加的NbSe2/Ag纳米复合材料含量并非呈现正相关关系,而是随着添加含量的增加呈现先降低后增加的趋势,在质量分数为1.5%时,效果最佳.


    Abstract: NbSe2/Ag nanocomposite i.e. Ag nanoparticles well-dispersed on the surface of NbSe2 nanosheets, was successfully prepared by chemical reduction. UMT-2 friction and wear tester and scanning electron microscope were used to explore the tribological behaviors of NbSe2/Ag nanocomposite as a lubricant additive for coal mine machinery. NbSe2/Ag nanocomposite was better lubricating additive than Ag nanoparticles as well as NbSe2. The lubricating effect of NbSe2/Ag nanocomposite were attributed to four aspects: Firstly, according to the first simulation calculation of density functional theory, the order of the maximum shear strength from highest to lowest was NbSe2/Ag nanocomposite, Ag, NbSe2. Secondly, Ag nanoparticles prevented NbSe2 from agglomeration and this was favorable for formation of uniform lubricating. Thirdly, Ag was soft with low elastic modulus, and NbSe2/Ag nanocomposite was subjected to shearing to form a lubricating film. Ag nanoparticles distributed uniformly in the lubricating film, making the lubricating film difficult to break under the scraping effect of hard micro-bulges on the counterpart. Finally, some of Ag nanoparticles probably rolled on the contact interface as “micro bearings” to reduce friction coefficient. However, the lubricating effect of lubricating oil was not positively correlated with the addition amount of NbSe2/Ag nanocomposite. In specific, friction coefficient decreased firstly and then increased with the increasing addition amount of NbSe2/Ag nanocomposite. For addition amount of 1.5% NbSe2/Ag nanocomposite, the lubricating oil showed the excellent tribological properties.


