ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Influence of Braking Conditions on Wear Performance of Automobile Semi-Metal Brake Pad

  • 摘要: 刹车片是汽车制动器的重要部件材料,其磨损特性直接影响制动器工作性能和使用寿命,现有研究主要采用小样试验,不能真实反映刹车片实际使用工况. 采用汽车盘式制动器模拟制动试验台,分析了制动初速度、制动压力、摩擦面温度对刹车片磨损的影响规律. 结果表明:随制动压力、制动初速度或摩擦面温度的增大,磨损量曲线均呈上升趋势,其中制动压力的变化对磨损量的影响较小,制动初速度的变化对其影响最大. 通过几组补充试验得到,没有外界热源干预,制动初速度和制动压力共同作用比摩擦面温度对磨损量的影响更明显. 基于试验结果数据,利用SPSS软件拟合了制动工况参数与磨损量之间的经验公式. 研究结果对于指导汽车刹车片的设计制造和使用维护具有一定理论意义和实用价值.


    Abstract: As one of the most critical part of the automobile brake, the brake pad and its wear performance affects directly the working performance and service life of the brake. The current researches use the small sample tests with test conditions quite different from the actual working conditions of the brake pad. In this paper, based on the disc brake simulation test-bed of the automobile, the influence rules of the initial braking speed, braking pressure and friction surface temperature on the brake pad wear were analyzed. The results showed that, by increasing braking pressure, initial braking speed or friction surface temperature the wear increased accordingly. The initial braking speed had the most obvious effect on the wear. The braking pressure had no obvious effect on the wear. Through several supplementary tests, it is found that, without external heat producer intervention, the wear was significantly affected by the initial braking speed and braking pressure than by the friction surface temperature. Based on the test data, the empirical formula of the brake condition parameters and wear were fitted by SPSS software. The results in this study had certain theoretical significances and practical values for guiding the design, manufacture, use and maintenance of the automobile brake pad.


