ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Probing the Effect of Grinding Stone Strength on Rail Grinding Behavior

  • 摘要: 磨石强度直接关系到钢轨打磨车的持续作业能力和磨削效率,因此研究磨石强度对打磨行为及钢轨表面质量的影响,对于现场磨石的优选具有重要参考价值. 参照Vossloh磨石抗压强度,制备了三种不同抗压强度的磨石(GS-10,68.9 MPa;GS-12.5,95.2 MPa;GS-15,122 MPa)并开展相应的打磨试验和表征. 结果显示,GS-15相对GS-10打磨量降幅约80%,但磨削比增幅约88%,表明磨石强度增大,磨石耐磨性提高,但磨削能力下降. 磨石和钢轨表面形貌显示,磨石强度增大导致磨石自锐性变差,磨削机制逐渐从切削转变为耕犁. 打磨钢轨表面SEM、EDS、XPS分析结果表明磨粒的切削作用是导致磨削热产生的首要因素,且随着磨石强度的增大,钢轨表面烧伤程度降低,钢轨表面氧化产物中Fe2+含量上升而Fe3+含量下降. 钢轨剖面金相结果表明:磨石强度增大导致钢轨表面白层、塑性变形层厚度增加,使钢轨产生更严重的预疲劳. 因此,对钢轨打磨磨石强度的合理调控和选择,对于协调打磨效率和钢轨表面质量具有重要意义.


    Abstract: The strength of the grinding stone (GS) has a significant effect on the sustainable operational capacity and grinding efficiency of grinding car, thus probing the effect of grinding stone strength on grinding behavior and rail surface quality will be beneficial for the selection of grinding stone on the field. According to the compressive strength of the Vossloh GS used on the field, three GSs (GS-10, 68.9 MPa; GS-12.5, 95.2 MPa and GS-15, 122.7 MPa) were prepared to carry out grinding experiments, and the corresponding characterizations were applied to analyze the surface morphologies of GSs and ground rails. The results showed that the GS-15 had a decrease of 80% on grinding volume but an increase of 88% on grinding ratio comparing with the GS-10. The results indicated that the improvement of GS strength produced a promotion of wear resistance and a reduction of grinding ability. The surface morphologies of GSs and rail samples showed that the improvement of GS strength resulted in a worse self-sharpening which caused the main grinding mechanism changing from cutting to ploughing. The results of SEM, EDS and XPS of the ground rail surface indicated that the cutting process had influences the production of grinding heat most, and the increase compressive strength of GS caused an improvement of Fe2+, a reduction of Fe3+, and a lower burning degree. However, the metallographic results viewing from the cross sections of ground rails showed that the thickness of the white etching layer and plastic deformation layer grew with the increase of the GSs’ compressive strength, causing a more severe pre-fatigue of rail. Therefore, the reasonable regulation of the strength of GS was of great significance to the improvement of grinding efficiency and rail surface quality.


