ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Mating Material on Fretting Wear Behavior of 690 Alloy

  • 摘要: 采用MFF-3000电磁振动微动疲劳与磨损试验机,研究两种抗振条材料(退火405不锈钢和淬火回火06Cr13)对690合金传热管的微动磨损性能的影响,试验采用块/管线接触方式,即线接触. 试验结束后,采用OM、SEM、EDX和EPMA和三维光学显微镜对磨痕微观形貌和成分等进行分析,对比分析两种摩擦副的微动摩擦行为. 结果表明:当配副材料为405不锈钢时,690合金的磨损相对严重;工况相同时,06Cr13的磨损比405不锈钢严重,且405不锈钢的磨屑尺寸较小,06Cr13磨痕表面存在大量的剥层裂纹. 随着温度增加,磨屑增加,氧化程度加剧,磨损加剧,主要的磨损机制为磨粒磨损和剥层.


    Abstract: Fretting wear tests of 690 alloy against two anti-vibration bar materials (annealed 405 stainless steel and quench-tempering 06Cr13) have been carried out using a fretting wear test rig (MFF-3000) with a contact configuration of tube-on-plate. After tests, the worn surfaces and cross-sections were examined through optical microscope, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray, electron probe microanalysis and a 3D optical microscope in order to obtain information of morphology and surface chemical composition. The results indicated that the damage of 690 alloy was severe when the contacting material was annealed 405 stainless steel. Under the same experimental condition, the damage of quench-tempering 06Cr13 anti-vibration bar was worse than that of annealed 405 stainless steel. The wear particles of annealed 405 stainless steel was smaller than that of quench-tempering 06Cr13. Meanwhile, numerous delamination cracks were observed on worn surfaces of quench-tempering 06Cr13. In general, with increasing temperature, more wear particles and higher level of oxygen content were observed. The most severe damage was obtained at 90 ℃ and oscillation amplitude of 100 μm. The main wear mechanisms were delamination and abrasive wear.


