ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Research Progress on Tribology of Electrical Contact Materials

  • 摘要: 电接触材料在生活生产应用中发挥着重要的作用,但其面临着较为复杂的摩擦磨损问题,因此对电接触材料的研究至关重要. 文章从摩擦学角度出发,综述了当前几种常见的铜基、银基和金基电接触材料的特点以及存在的问题,分析了不同接触载荷、电流和滑动速度等条件下电接触材料的载流摩擦学行为、载流摩擦磨损机制、计算模拟研究以及当前还存在的问题. 提出未来应发展石墨烯等性能优异的新型电接触材料以及加强对多因素耦合作用下电接触体系的摩擦磨损行为和失效机制的研究,这将为未来电接触材料摩擦学的研究发展提供一定的参考价值.


    Abstract: It is of great importance to do research of electric contact materials, not only for their applications in life and productions, but also for their complex friction and wear problems. This review summarized the characteristics and existing problems of several common copper-based, silver-based and gold-based electric contact materials, and analyzed current-carrying tribological behavior, friction and wear mechanism, computational simulation research and existing problems of electric contact materials under different contact load, current and sliding speed, etc. Putting forward the development of new electric contact materials with excellent properties such as graphene, as well as the wear behavior and failure mechanism of the electric contact system under multi-factor coupling in the future, which will provide certain reference value for the research and development of tribology of electric contact materials.


